[4] Don't Fence Me In

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Walker and Georgia sat playing a drinking game at the bar

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Walker and Georgia sat playing a drinking game at the bar. The two had made a habit of drinking way too much before work.

"Drink if you didn't fight for your partner being changed." Georgia spoke. "Are you still mad about that?" Walker asked before Georgia pushed the shot to his lips.

"Drink if you stole your friend's prom date." He replied. "That was one time!" She exclaimed before drinking.

"Drink if your wife's dead." Georgia stated. "Drink if you have a crush on Micki." Cordell argued.

"Drink if you like Charlotte." Georgia responded. "Touché." He finished downing the remaining shots as well as her.

"Drink if you both ruined my date." Charlotte joined in before they both glared. "I think she should drink for playing us like that." Georgia said.

"Yeah, I agree." Walker added with a playful grin. "I'm on job. Legally, I can't." Charlotte attempted in hope she wouldn't have to drink it.

Charlotte was what the world knows it as a lightweight. Alcohol and her didn't necessarily mix well together, it just ended up in an extremely drunk state.

"But you can after your shift, right?" Georgia asked causing the brunette to stare at her blankly. "That's what I thought. We'll be waiting here." Georgia finished with a smile.

Georgia walked into the station in search for Cordell. She was stopped by Captain James pointing at his office. Her eyebrows raised in utter fear, keeping a straight face heading into there.

To her surprise, she saw Micki sat down with no sign of Walker.

"Take a seat, Rivera." James ordered. "Ok, look. I didn't do anything wrong!" Georgia defended.

"You two are partnered together for this case. I want to see you guys at your best." James continued. "Where's Walker?" Micki questioned.

"Don't worry about Walker. He's dealing with something now. Do you guys think you can do this case?" James asked.

"Yeah, of course we can. You picked the right people." Micki answered causing him to let out the two out the room.

"Okay, so what case are we on?" Georgia began. "Gang related. The sheriff sent me and Walker on a chase a couple days ago. It killed someone but something tells me that the wrong guy died." Micki explained.

"Isn't the sheriff retiring?" Georgia spoke. "Exactly. I'm starting to think he had something to do with it all. Do you trust me?" Micki questioned.

"Let's go interview his family." Georgia replied.

Walker walked into the bar. "Hey, is Charlotte here?" Cordell asked Geri who pointed to the brunette stood on a stool hanging up balloons.

"Charlotte?" Cordell spoke scaring Charlotte nearly knocking her of the stool. "Walker? You scared me!" She exclaimed stepping down from the chair.

"I came to see if you needed any help hanging up Georgia's birthday decorations?" He offered.

"Well, I've successfully put up 10 balloons. So, yes. A bit of help would be nice." Charlotte answered with a small smile.

Cordell began digging through a box helping hang some of the decorations.

"That's my shift over, I'll see you guys later for Georgia's party." Geri told them heading out the door rather quickly.

"Then there were two." Charlotte joked. "Yeah." Walker replied before silence filled the air due to the awkward tension between the two.

"I'm going to man up. We need to talk about the date, Georgia's going to notice immediately how weird things our between us." Walker began causing her to put the decorations down.

"Okay, I've been avoiding you. The last time we were together we nearly—" She spoke. "Kissed?" Walker stated.

"Listen, Walker. I think you're a great guy but I'm not ready for a relationship. I can't go through the pain of watching them leave again, I just can't." The brunette explained.

Walker scooted closer to the girl taking the hair out of her face where it had been stuck due her watering eyes.

"I know you're scared, trust me I am too. We're friends, good friends." Cordell answered. "Thank you, Walker." Charlotte finished placing a kiss on his cheek.

Georgia and Micki sat in her car on their break re-evaluating the case the two were placed on.

"I don't get it. Why would he drop everything he had made just to get worked back up in the gang he despised?" Georgia spoke.

"Nothing adds up, it seems like a cover up." Micki responded searching through the documents.

"I think I just found out." Georgia stated showing a picture of the guy kissing the blonde lady happening to be one from before who's husband was the victim.

"They were having an affair." Micki explained. "Georgia, we did it! I—I'm so proud of us." She continued staring into her eyes.

"Yeah, me too." Georgia replied.

The two stared into each other's eyes before finally touching lips and kissing. The moment of passion quickly escalated as Georgia unbuckled her seatbelt as Micki found her way to Georgia's lap.

Charlotte and Cordell sat in the bar with party poppers and party blowers resulting in drinking at the fact Georgia never arrived.

"Where do you think she is?" Walker spoke. "She's probably gone straight to bed." She answered.

"We did all this for nothing." Walker admitted. "I didn't even bust out my two step." Charlotte exclaimed.

"Okay, Jones. Show me what you got." Cordell said helping her up putting music on by the jukebox.

"You ain't never seen dancing like this before Cordell." The brunette warned as the music began to play.

Charlotte began to dance around shaking her hips causing Walker to chuckle at the girl who was having the time of her life on the dancefloor before spinning around.

Emily span sending a huge smile at Cordell. Walker's eyes widened at the woman stood dancing in front of him before shutting his eyes and opening them.

Walker stepped over to Charlotte and grabbed her hands beginning to dance with her before dipping her. He slowly began to pull her up staring into her eyes.

"Sorry, to crash the private party." Georgia announced at the door causing the two to push away from each other.

"Happy birthday." They exclaimed.

" They exclaimed

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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