Chapter 1

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'Scarlett!' Wake up!' my mom shouted, she burst through my bedroom door, knocked down all my Lana Del Rey posters and somehow managed to knock my collection of Twilight books off the shelf. 'Wake up!' she said again. 'For Christs sake Scarlett you are bloody lazy aren't you?!' I groaned really loudly and looked over at my clock. It read: 8:30am. My mom opened the curtains so hard that I was surprised she didn't actually pull the pole completely off the wall. 'Alright, alright! I'm awake.' I quickly said, I knew that she was going to rip the duvet off me next and I was way too cozy to let that happen. 'Jesus mom can't you just knock?' I asked angrily.

'Yeah, like that would have worked. Your dad has been drilling in the bathroom all morning and that didn't wake you up did it?' she said whilst raising her eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and gathered enough energy to reach out and check my phone, I had no messages. 'Oh and you better tell all your mates if they want to see you before we leave then today is the day as we are going tomorrow.'

'WHAT?! I thought we were going in another week?!' I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

'Yes well me and your father thought the sooner the better, there's supposed to be a storm in a few days and we don't want to be travelling in that.' I bolted upright and put my dressing gown on.

'I need to see Monica', I huffed.

'Yeah Monica is downstairs waiting for you, so is Elliott. That's why I woke you up.' She said to me whilst smiling. 'Really mom? You could have just said.' I tied up my dressing gown and slipped on my fluffy socks. As I walked out of my bedroom I could hear Monica and Elliott laughing, and it just made my heart melt. Monica has been my best friend since we were like 3, we met at first school and have been inseparable ever since. We were just like each other, we liked the same music, the same foods, we shopped at the same stores and even had matching underwear. Monica moved away from Florida when we were both about 8, she lived in California for four years as her mom had met a guy and fallen in love with him, turns out he was cheating on her with some blonde bitch that worked in the office. They moved back to Florida 4 years ago. I've lost her once and I really don't want to loose her again, but.. life sucks right?

Elliott on the other hand, he's my boyfriend. We got together when we were twelve, and to be honest, it has been a pretty good relationship. We don't really argue or anything, apart from this one time when I thought he was cheating on me with one of the cheerleaders from school. I wouldn't be surprised to be honest, he is one of the best looking lads in our year, and all the girls fancy him. I really have no clue what he sees in me, I'm one of them book nerds you would find hiding in the library. Luckily I have Monica to help me through all the bullies, man that girl really won't take any crap from anybody, and she especially looks out for me.

As I walked down the stairs two heads popped around the corner, 'Hey sleepyhead!' Monica said cheerily, I beamed her a huge smile and gave her a hug. 'Hey gorgeous,' Elliott said, he pulled me into a tight hug and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I really wanted to take it further to a proper kiss, but Monica was right there and my mom was coming down the stairs. 'Hey, hey! Enough of that you two love birds. We have a lot to do today!' Monica said separating us. Me and Elliott chuckled and I walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

'Good morning dad!' I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

'Morning petal,' he responded, still stuck in his morning newspaper. He sipped at his tea and saw Monica and Elliott walk in. 'Morning you two, gosh, you're here early aren't you?' he said.

'Good morning Mr.Jones. Yes well, seeing as it's Scarlett's last day we have a lot in store for her! Honestly I can't wait.' Monica replied, I swore she bounced a little once she said that. I giggled and pulled out a bowl and some cheerios, 'So dad.. How's Grandma going?'

'She keeps telling us she's fine, but we all know she isn't,' he said. The room went quiet for a moment. Elliott broke the silence, 'I'm pretty sure she will be okay, my mom said the treatment she had worked really well, and she wasn't kidding either. I mean, look at her now, she's completely clear of cancer.' He always knew the right thing to say.

'Thanks for that son,' my dad said, he took another sip at his tea. I pulled out a chair and started eating my cheerios, Monica and Elliott sat around the table with me. 'So what have you got planned for us Monica?' I asked.

'Oh where to start?!' Monica was amazing at this kind of thing, she is so organized and arranges the coolest days out. 'Well first we were thinking about going to do a little shopping, me and Elliott put some money together so you can treat yourself. Maybe you could get them new shoes you wanted so bad?' I gawped at her, then looked at both of them.

'Yep we did,' Elliott said, 'and we also saved up enough to get your crappy phone fixed, honestly I swear the messages I send you never come up on your phone - I sent you five last night!' I giggled at him.

'Yeah I checked my phone this morning and thought you two were just avoiding me,' I laughed and gave them a smirk, 'but seriously thank you so much you guys I really don't know how I am going to cope without you'. Tears prickled in my eyes, I really was going to miss them pair.

'Don't get emotional now, I haven't told you what else we are going to do!' Monica said giving me a hug. 'Don't tell me, keep it a surprise,' I said. I put my empty bowl into the sink then turned around to face everyone. 'Well?..What are you waiting for? Go get dressed!' Monica ushered me out of the room whilst my dad sat there chuckling.

I got into my room and opened the wardrobe. Pretty much all of my clothes were in the suitcase apart from a ripped pair of skinny jeans and a gray SuperDry top. I quickly put them on and went to my mirror. I combed my hair and put on a bit of lip gloss and mascara. I didn't really wear much makeup, I couldn't really use it to be honest. I grabbed my fluffy bag and hurried downstairs.

'Beautiful,' Elliott said. I started to laugh.

'Yeah whatever.'

'Right okay you two, lets get going. Mr and Mrs Jones? We will have her back at about 9 okay?' Monica yelled through to my parents. 'Okay, have a nice time!' was the reply from my mom.

We sure as hell were going to.

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