Part Four

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You four arrive at the party. You follow your dad with Sam and Bucky behind you on a bridge. You get to the big crowd of people. Colorful LED lights are kinda everywhere making everything have a colored hue.

Zemo turns to you, Sam and Bucky. "Here we are." He starts walking forward, "Готов подчиниться ... Зимний солдат?" (translation: Ready to comply... Winter Soldier?)

You hear someone say, "Is that the Winter Soldier?"

You walk up to the bar, the bartender walks towards you, "Hello, gentleman and lady. Wasn't expecting you, Smiling Tiger."

"His plans changed," Zemo says. "We have business to do with Selby."

The bartender looks at you, "Anastasia, I heard you were dead."

"Rumors, rumors, aren't they fun?" You say it was something that Anastasia would always say.

He looks at both you and Sam "The usual?"

"Da," You say with a smirk, and Sam nods.

Your dad gives you a look that says, 'Why would do that.'

"Beib im Charakter, Dummy," You whisper. (translation: stay in character, dummy)

The bartender grabs a snake out of a glass container and puts it on the bar.

"Ah," Zemo turns to Sam. "Smiling Tiger, your favorite."

The bartender cuts the snake open and puts in the shot glass and puts it in front of Sam then puts a shot of vodka in front of both you and Zemo.

The three of you pick up your shot.

"I love these," Sam says.

You pick up the shot, "Cheers, comrades." You say with your on-point Russian accent. You, Zemo, and Sam click your glasses together than you and your dad both take your shots but Sam hesitates. You manage to not make a face, Zemo stifles a laugh then puts his shot glass down.

"Mmm," Sam grunts then reluctantly takes the shot. He then gives a bartender a thumbs up.

A man walks up behind Zemo, you nudge your dad then look at the man.

"I got word from on high," The man says. "You ain't welcome here."

"I have no business with a Power Broker," Zemo responds, "But if he insists, he can either come and talk to me..." He gestures to Bucky.

The man looks at Buck, "New haircut?"

"Or bring Selby for a chat," Zemo continues.

The man turns and walks away.

"A Power Broker? Really?" Bucky asks.

"Every kingdom needs its king," Zemo replies. "Let's just pray we stay under his radar."

"Do you know him?" Sam asks.

"Only by reputation. In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner."

Another man walks towards you four.

"Зимний солдат," Zemo says. "Aтаковать." (translation: Winter Soldier attack)

The man puts his hand on Zemo's shoulder then Bucky grabs his hand and twists it while pushing the guy back.

Bucky punches the guy and he falls onto the floor.

You grab your phone and open your camera and start recording, "I'm putting this shit on TikTok."

Your dad rolls his eyes while shaking his head in disappointment.

The guy and Bucky continue to fight, well it's more of Bucky beating the shit out of him. Another guy tries to stop them but gets pushed into you and Zemo. Your phone gets knocked out of your hand and slides across the floor.

"Shit," You mumble. "Good thing I wore spandex shorts under this." You say then dive roll towards your phone and grab it as you land on the ground and jump back up.

The guy that Buck is fighting, aimlessly swings a punch and it almost hits you in the face. You duck under his arm then run back towards your dad while still crouched down.

You get back to the bar and lean against it while standing in between Sam and Zemo. "Haha I'm in danger," You say like Ralph Wiggum.

Sam stifles a laugh and Zemo sighs in a disappointed manner.

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