terrors in unconsciousness

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I wrote this during my physics class lmao

I fucking hate physics

Anyway what the hell is the title 😂🖐

TW: nightmares/night terrors

3rd Person P.O.V.

George wasn't exactly elated to be sleeping in Dream's bed.

Don't get him wrong, he was excited to spend time with the blond. It was just that spending nights in the same bed would definitely cause some problems for George.

First of all, there was the complication of his tiny crush on the streamer. But that wasn't even the main thing on his mind.

George was plagued by night terrors. He would wake up screaming and sweating profusely every time he tried to sleep, horror swirling its way around his mind.

He hadn't been sleeping well. Not since the night terrors started. It had been years at this point, years since George last got a good night's sleep. Years since he slept peacefully through the night. Years since he wasn't afraid to go to sleep.

So, when it came time for them to go to bed, George was reasonably hesitant.

"I think I might head to bed now," Dream mused, glancing at his phone. "It's getting pretty late. And you must be exhausted, from your flight and all."

"Um..." George struggled to make up an excuse, brain hazy from years of built up exhaustion. Dream caught on to the brunette's hesitation, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad. I don't kick in my sleep or snore or anything," he insisted, giving George a pointed look. "Unlike some people."

"I don't-" George shook his head, sighing. "Sleep talking is different, it's not even that annoying!" He defended, crossing his arms. Dream just grinned.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." George rolled his eyes, scoffing at the blond's remark.

"Shut up," he mumbled, looking away. Mistake. A pair of long arms snuck their way around his curled up form, easily picking him up. "Wha- hey!" George sputtered, squirming in Dream's arms. "Let me go! Put me down!"

"Nope. Bedtime, Georgie." Dream carried him to the bedroom, setting him down on the bed gently. George scowled, crossing his arms angrily. It didn't really have the effect he wanted, however.

"Awww, little Georgie's mad at me~" the taller man sang teasingly. "C'mon, it's late, aren't you tired?"


"Alright..." Dream got into bed, easily moving George to one side and dragging the covers up over the both of them. "Tired now?" George's expression faltered for a split second, and Dream caught it. "Hah! I knew it!" He exclaimed proudly, reaching out to turn off the light. "Goodnight, Gogy."

"...Goodnight..." the older man replied, after a long pause. He was so tired... and who knows, maybe he wouldn't have a nightmare tonight.

What a silly thought. George fell asleep, really, truly believing that sleeping next to Dream would somehow cure him of his debilitating sleep issue. What a joke.


Dream woke up to loud, terrified screaming. He sat up in an instant, looking around for the source of the noise. His gaze settled on a sweaty, thrashing George in bed beside him, still asleep.

"George. George! Wake up!" Dream whisper yelled, shaking the boy roughly to try and rouse him from, his sleep. When George woke up, Dream had to back up to avoid knocking their heads together.

George looked around, absolutely terrified. Sweat beaded and dripped from his forehead, shirt already damp. He looked at Dream, and the blond would never forget the pure fear and horror that existed in the boy's eyes.

"George..." Dream breathed out, speaking in low tones as to not startle him any more. George opened his mouth to speak, only able to let out a shaky sob. He completely broke down, collapsing into Dream's chest.

"I-I'm so s-sorry!" He cried, whailing and shivering uncontrollably. Dream didn't really know what to do, so he just hugged the sobbing boy, holding him close.

"It's ok... it'll be ok." They sat like that for awhile, George's sobs slowly letting up as time passed. He still felt incredibly shaken by his nightmare, but Dream was being very quiet and comforting.

George sighed, wiping at his eyes and sniffing miserably. "Sorry..." he mumbled, pulling away from the blond.

"It's ok, George, really." There was a short silence between the pair, broken quickly by Dream. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Honestly? Not really," George chuckled dryly, no real passion behind it. Dream nodded, placing a gentle hand on George's knee.

"That's ok. Does this happen a lot?" George wanted to laugh at that statement, but held back.

"Every time," he murmured, gaze focused down, anywhere but on Dream.

"Oh..." the blond's tone was indescribable. It was oddly calm, yet incredibly on edge and with a slight hint of fear (or was it worry?). "So, wait, how much sleep do you get?" George just shrugged in response, taking a moment to think.

"Couple hours, usually. I take a lot of naps, but they never last too long..." the brunette trailed off uncomfortably. In a hushed, barely audible tone, he added: "Sometimes I'm too afraid to sleep."

"George..." Dream shook his head, struggling to find words. "I... I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" George shrugged, fidgeting with his sleeve.

"Embarrassing," he said simply.

"Ok, but you know I wouldn't judge you for it, right? I'm here for you, man, and it- it hurts to know you've just been suffering in silence.

"It's not that bad..."

"No, it is that bad. God, George, you definitely haven't been sleeping enough! And that nightmare, whatever it was must've been terrifying, the way you were screaming..." Dream trailed off, an odd look in his eye.


"No, George..." the blond sighed. "I'm not mad at you, ok? Honestly. I just want to help, I swear. Scout's honor." The smaller of the two let out a soft giggle, leaning back into Dream.

"You're an idiot," he smiled, shaking his head.

"An idiot who cares about you." Dream laid down, letting George lay on his chest. Hands found their way into his thick brown hair, running through and gently tugging at knots. George hummed contently, sighing and curling in closer while Dream played with his hair.

Before they knew it, George had fallen back asleep. Dream smiled, continuing with his soothing motions. He didn't sleep much, but George did, and that was what mattered to him.


Requests? (If you already requested something and I haven't posted it yet I'm working on it :))

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