road to recovery

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Im back from vacation :)

TW: eating disorder (bulimia), brief mention of below average weight, mentions/discussions of throwing up (purging), breakdown

3rd Person P.O.V.

George had been in bulimia recovery for nearly a year.

Almost a year of highs and lows, of struggles, and of breakdowns. He had been doing well for a while now, a couple of months of healthy eating habits under his belt. George was proud of himself. He had come so far in the past year, backing off the edge of death and living life... normally.

It was great. George felt better. Healthier, even. His weight had stabilized, monthly check-ins showing that he was clocking in slightly below average weight. Which was fine. It was still healthy.

Dream had been at his side through it all, helping George to recover and being his number one cheerleader through the whole process. The two had always been close friends, but after moving in together, their relationship progressed. They started dating a few months into George's recovery, and it had been holding steady ever since. Their relationship was pretty much smooth sailing, with only the occasional hiccup. Life was good.

Everything was going great. George was doing well in his bulimia recovery, he and Dream had a great relationship going... it was their own version of perfect.

But we all know that perfection is unrealistic.

Dream learned this the hard way. He had left to get a hair cut, with plans to run some errands afterward. He was giving the barber his approval when he got the call.


"Dream?" It was George. His voice was small and shaky, and he sounded like he was crying. Dream was immediately on alert, gnawing on his lip anxiously.

"George? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Small whimpers escaped George's end of the line.

"Please come back," he whispered, voice breaking. "I'm scared. I-" George cut himself off with a soft sob. "Please. I need you." Dream frowned, quietly thanking the barber and paying for his hair cut.

"I'm coming home right now, bubs. I'll be there in 10 minutes," Dream reassured, practically running to his car. "Where are you right now?"


"Can you get out of the bathroom? Please?" Dream asked pleadingly. There was an uncomfortably long silence on George's end. Dream started his car, tearing out of the parking lot.

"No..." He whispered finally, taking uneven, shuddering breaths. "I can't do it, I can't, I- I'm so scared! Dream please, I'm scared, I-" George sobbed loudly. "I need you, please come back!" He begged. Dream felt his heart sink. George sounded near hysteria, and Dream was still five minutes away.

"I'm coming home right now, okay? Just hold on a little longer, I'll be there soon and everything will be okay. Stay strong, I know you can do this," Dream encouraged. "Don't do anything you'll regret. Five months clean, bubs. That's a big deal."


"Remember, I'm so proud of you. You've come so far in the past... year? Yeah, year. You've been kicking bulimia's butt, and I know you're stronger than it." Dream parked his car in the driveway, practically leaping out onto the pavement. "I'm home. Downstairs bathroom?"


"Alright. I'm hanging up now, be there in like two seconds." He hung up, running into the bathroom moments later. George was sitting on his legs, hunched over the toilet with a numb look in his eyes. Dream swiftly wrapped his arms around the brunette, moving him away from the toilet.

George broke down almost immediately. "I'm so sorry!" He cried, collapsing into Dream's chest. "I didn't– I didn't mean to-"

"George." The smaller boy shut his mouth, body shaking against Dream's. "Did you...?" George shook his head, gasping slightly.

"I rea- really wanted to," he sobbed quietly. Shaky, heaving breaths racked his body, doing nothing to calm the brunette. Dream rubbed George's back, shushing him gently.

"I'm glad you didn't. You're so strong, bubs," the blond praised. George shook his head, weeping quietly.

"No..." He insisted, hiccuping. "I'm n- I'm not!" George cried, pressing his forehead against Dream's chest.

"George?" Dream called softly, tilting his head with a frown. The brunette shook his head, body still heaving with each sob.

"If- hic- if I was str- if I was strong I wouldn't be here!" He exclaimed, gesturing shakily to the toilet.

"George..." Dream sighed. The smaller boy kept crying and hiccuping, shivering against Dream's chest. "George," he repeated, more firmly this time. George quieted down, teary eyes staring up at Dream.

"Dream...?" His voice shook slightly, almost fearful.

"George..." Dream mumbled, expression saddening. He hugged the brunette lovingly, kissing his forehead. George's sobs began to slow, until all that remained was a few tears and the stray hiccup. "You are strong. Even if you don't see it. I know you wanted to throw up, but you didn't. And that's really important." George sniffled quietly, blinking up at Dream. The blond gently brushed his thumb along George's cheekbone, wiping away a few tears.

"George, bubs, you are so strong. You held back and stopped yourself from doing it, which is amazing. You've made so much progress, and I couldn't be prouder," Dream murmured, cradling George's head with his hands. "You are strong, you're brave, and you are so much more than you think you are. And I love you. I love you so much, and I hate seeing you in pain. I know pain is part of recovery, but in the end it'll be worth all of it. I know it."

"Dream..." George sounded slightly less upset, sniffling softly. His lips were upturned slightly, a small smile appearing on his face. "Thank you."

"Of course. No problem, love." Dream kissed George's forehead, smiling back at the smaller boy. "I just want for you to be happy and healthy. I want what's best for you."

"I know..." George trailed off, glancing to the side. "...and thank you. Sorry for worrying you." Dream shook his head, shrugging.

"It's okay. I'd much rather be here with you than alone at the grocery store anyway." He shrugged. "I care about you way more than I care about getting some milk." George cracked a real, genuine smile at that. "Now, maybe we should leave the bathroom?" George's smile dropped, but he nodded, avoiding Dream's gaze.

"Right..." He mumbled. Dream and George got up off the bathroom floors, walking hand-in-hand out to the living room. They sat on the couch, Dream lying down with George laying on top on him. Their legs tangled together mindlessly, both enjoying the closeness they felt toward each other.

Dream sighed contently, running his fingers through George's hair. Things would be okay. Recovery was a process– it took time and effort to achieve. As far as George had made it, he still had a long way to go. But that was okay– he wouldn't be alone. Dream would always be there for him. When it came to George, Dream would drop anything and everything just to be there. He loved George with all his heart, and even though he refused to say it, George loved Dream the same way.

George's bulimia recovery would be full of ups and downs, but ultimately he would reign victorious. He would go on to marry his lover, a beautiful wedding that would last as long as they did. George's life had improved dramatically, his recovery from bulimia and his marriage made him happier than he had ever been. And Dream was ecstatic to have his lover doing so well.

There was hope, and that hope sparked something beautiful. George's recovery, his and Dream's wedding, their happy life as a domestic couple– it all started with hope.

aww happy ending :3

My next book will be "Honeydew"! I will be posting a quick summary soon... but if you enjoyed Sunny Side Up you'll probably enjoy "Honeydew"! (hint hint)

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