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Hey guys this is my first time writing a fan-fiction and a novel as well. Hope you guys will support me !!!

SOooo let's start !!


A women sitting on a bed gazing outside the window , her hair as pale as the moonlight and her eyes the exact opposite of moon... Amber eyes staring outside, she thought...

'F*ck who's body is this ??'

[Author : This girl destroyed the whole poetic atmosphere..tsk..💢]


FL's POV :

I woke up this morning only to find a fancy ceiling in front of me...several thoughts swirled through my mind.. ' Am I kidnapped ? Am I still a virgin ?'

[Author: I don't know how she reaches those conclusions 😑😑..*sigh*]

But the next thing poured salt on my wounds and forced me to reach a complete different conclusion . I noticed my hand ..pearl white smooth skin, slim fingers, a palm with no callouses acquired through brutal training.

'Who's body is this ?'

Seeing the situation a ridiculous assumption came up to me.. 'Did I reincarnate like those novels and manga's ' . But I tried to deny it...I don't remember dying, I just laid down on my bed after work and the next thing I knew I'm here with a different body in possession . It's too unreal. I sighed at my my situation and wanting to confirm my damn fate, I stood up and walked in front of a mirror.

Unsurprisingly, when I stood in front of the mirror a girl of age ..maybe 16 or 17 stared at me from the mirror . Her white hair paler than moon, jade white skin, a face without any blemish , a proud sturdy nose and most of all amber eyes glowing like fire.

She reminded me of Aristia La Monique from the manga (The Abandoned Empress ). While I was busy in y internal conflicts , someone entered with a bowl of water and...

Maid: " Greetings upon Queen Aristia of the Empire ."

The words she spoke chilled me to the bones..Aristia ..and what not QUEEN Aristia...So I really did reincarnate in that manga. *sigh*.

Maid: " My Queen, His Majesty The Emperor asked for your presence for discussing the assassination attempt on The Empress."

What ?? assassination attempt on the Empress ? Didn't that happened in the first timeline of the manga ? Oh my !! I'm in the first timeline ...and today is the day when that son of a b*tch of an Emperor forced himself on Aristia....

You thougt I was scared ? No, Actually I'm damn happy . When I read about what Ruveliss did , I was furious ..I wanted to strangle him to death . And guess what I got the chance. I smirked , a very evil one if I may describe it. I noticed the maid flinching from my expression .

I waved my hand gesturing her to leave me alone. She left and after washing my face , I opened the closet to find dresses ...heavy ones and excuse me but I'm not a fan of dresses ..I'm a complete tomboy . I prefer pants over skirts.

After rummaging through I found an outfit like those of Generals in fancy Royal shows. I wore it, though the outfit was not appropiate for the occasion ..but who cares, certainly I don't .
"Let's show those b*tches Who's the boss😏." I murmured with a evil sneer on my face.

So yeah guys. That's it for now ..see you later. Support mee😘😘

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