Four- Questions

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I'm ambushed by questions as soon as I enter the forms, which is not helpful for my throbbing head. My quirk triggers a lot of headaches, especially when I use it on more than one person in a short period of time.

"How did you do that!?" Denke asks, grabbing my arms.

I twist away, "basic training," I answer.

His grin grows, "that was awesome!"

"GUYS LET HER GO TO SLEEP, SHE MUST BE TIRED FROM FIGHTING!" Iida's commanding voice booms through the dorm.

For once I'm thankful for his weird obsession of being perfect. I start to walk to my room but as I get through the crowd, a scratchy voice says behind me, "told you she works with them."

I snap my head around, Bakugo is standing behind me, everyone's eyes are on him.

"Wanna say that to my face?" I challenge.

He flashes his teeth, gladly. He gets up in my face "you work with the league of villains."

My temper flares and I forget about my aching head.
"Listen here, bitch. I fought those two off while you stayed here, not even bothering to come out of your room when we were in danger. And don't forget when you got kidnapped by the L.O.V and All Might got damn near killed trying to save your weak ass." I keep going, "for me, that fight was basic training I picked up in elementary school. But for you, that would've been months of hard work you learned here. I'm not working with those hoes, I'm working for me, myself, and I."

I shove him out of my way and storm to my dorm, a smirk appearing on my face as Bakugo fails to think of anything else to say. I open the door to my room and walk in. My headache finally takes control again and I flop onto my bed.

Toga POV

Shigaraki managed to drag Dabi and I off the UA campus before we could be properly taken to jail, but I'm still hooked on what that girl said.

"Nice game, sis.  Let's go it again."

I don't have a sister, at least not one that I know of. But the more I think about her, the more ecstatic I feel. She was such a great fighter, took Dabi and I completely by surprise. Dabi is still sulking about getting his butt kicked by a girl younger than him.

I grin and giggle and his stupid expression, "don't beat yourself up," I snicker, "she's got one hell of a quirk."

He looks down at his hands, "she does."

That paralysis quirk of hers must really come in handy.  I wish I would've gotten some of her blood, she would be a fun one to replace.

"You didn't tell us you had a sister," Dabi says after a few silent minutes.

I tun my fingers along my knife, the paralysis has finally worn off, "I didn't know I did," I say honestly.

He shrugs, "it's not too hard to tell, you look similar despite hair and eye colors.  You have that same creepy smile."

I flash the smile he spoke of, "must run in the family."

A/N: sheesh, kinda a short chapter.  Sorry about that.  I hope you liked Toga's pov, I tried very hard to make it sound like her.

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