Seventeen- cry

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My heart falls.  I can't break, not here.  I won't do that to them.  They have worked so hard, if people can't put their faith in me, I want them to put their faith in those three boys.  The appeal to being a fake hero fades from my mind.  I don't want to do this anymore.  I can't do this anymore.  I don't fit in with these people.

Himiko sees my expression, "let's talk." She says to me.

We walk outside.

"You don't like this." She assumes.

I cover my mouth, "n-no, I don't."

She hugs me, "I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have roped you into this.  You're a hero, that's what you want to be.  Hinami, I'll support you no matter what you chose, but I'm worried for your safety."

I can't stop tears from falling, "I didn't mean to do this!" I cry, "I thought I would fit in better as a villain but I don't!  Now I can't quit or I'll be killed!"

Himiko rubs my back, "I know, I know.  I'll protect you.  You'll be fine.  Just to back go UA and pretend this never happened.  Pretend you're recruiting them or something, I'll take care of it."

I let go of her.  Feeling mix in my head.  I lied to her.  I lied to everyone.  I'm a disappointment.  I don't deserve a sister like Himiko or a girlfriend like Jiro.  I'm a bad person.  Worse than any villain ever.

"I want to see my girlfriend." I tell Himiko.

A drive later

I slide out of the car and see Jiro, who is both surprised and happy to see me.  Guilt sinks in my stomach, but I can't help myself from launching into her arms.  Tears threaten to fall, but I desperately hold them back.

"Hey!  Glad you decided to come." Jiro beams.

"Y-yeah." My voice is breaking.

She looks at me, "what's wrong?"

I burst into tears.  I sob into her coat, feeling horrible for everything.

"I'm sorry!  I should've just told you!  I don't deserve you, Jiro!  I'm not the hero I try to be.  I'm a liar and you don't deserve that!"

She runs a hand in my hair, "what are you talking about."

I cry even more, "I-I was working with the league." I stammer.

She pulls back, "you what?"

Dammit, here it comes.  She's going to break up with me.  Better get it over with.  "My sister works with the league, and she recruited me.  I joined them for the camp, but they wanted me to do more.  I couldn't do it.  I felt horrible.  Now, here I am."

Jiro gives me a confused look, "you-you lied to me."

I nod. 


"I thought I agreed with them.  But I don't."

Jiro kisses me, and I feel surprised.  I don't deserve forgiveness, not from her.

"Hinami, I'm sorry you went through that." She whispers.

I balk, "don't apologize to me."

"It's okay, Hanami.  I don't hold that against you," she continues, "I love you."

I kiss her.  I don't deserve someone like her, yet she still stays beside my side.

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