Twelve- camp

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Today we leave for the winter camp. Most of the class is weary about this and I don't blame them. After the previous camp, no one wants to run the risk of getting kidnapped like Bakugou was. I myself am not to keen on this idea, I'de rather just do extensive training back at the school. Some parents have even told Mr. Aizawa that their child can't come at all. Aoyama was pulled and I think Deku almost was. But some how, I still see him waiting in line for the bus.

"Hey," I call, "I thought you weren't coming."

Deku gets flustered and immediately puts his hands up in defense, "I just had to convince my mom that I was going to be fine! She wouldn't pull me from a trip like this!"

I shrug and get on the bus. Unfortunately, Mr. Aizawa assigned seats so we didn't get to pick. And of course, Aizawa is plotting against me and seats me next to Bakugou.

Bakugou isn't happy about it either. He's practically squished into the bus wall in attempt to get away from me. I sit down and grab my ear buds out of my backpack. I jam them into my phone and play Daywalker (yes by CORPSE and Machine Gun Kelly). For some creepy reason, Bakugou looks at my phone.

His expression morphs from angry to slightly amused.

"You listen to that?" He asks after a few seconds.

"Yeah." I reply

He leans back into his seat, "it slaps."

I grin slightly, "it does!"

A long ass ride later

My back hurts like hell. I jump out of the bus and bend backwards, my back popping as I do. I have such a creepy way of popping my bones that most people avoid me when I do. Jiro comes up next to me, stretching her arms. Snow falls from the sky, Dusting my hair with white.

"Heyooo!"A voice yells.

The whole class turns to see pro hero Hawks. Hm, I thought he would have gone south for the winter.

"H-Hawks?" Mineta stammers, "you're leading the winter camp?"

Hawks chuckles, "yup! Watch yourselves, I'm a lot harder than those pussy cats."

"It's not even spring." I whisper to Jiro.

Her face goes pink and she covers her mouth to hide her laughter. I drop my head in attempt to hide my laughing face.

"So! How about we run to the cabin? Takes about 2 hours for me to get there." Hawks boasts.

2 hours? For him!!? Bitch can fly, how long will it take us running!?

Hawks flaps his wings and takes off into the air. He flies over to a long path leading to the cabins, which I can't even see.

Great. For once I'm glad Mr. Aizawa forced me to leave my boots at home. I shiver in my leather jacket and begin to run down the path with the rest of my class.

About 10 minutes in, we all stop. Standing in front of us is a huge snow covered machine. It screams at us as we try to find a way around. I look for another way to pass, but the path is too small. This cliff we're running on won't make it easy to fight this thing. I don't want to paralyze it because that will make me weaker.

"Fire that bitch." I mutter to Todoroki.

He gives me a look. We haven't discussed the whole kiss situation but I try to act like nothing happened.

Todoroki steps forward and fire erupts from his arm, the machine explodes into pieces.

We continue running, this will take much more than two hours.

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