Chapter 7

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I sort of have writer's block at the moment. I know where I want the story to go but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get there, so uh let's hope this doesn't suck ass :)

I already have been winging it, but usually, I know the main points I want to hit, so I'm literally writing whatever comes to me.

I also just took state testing and my brain is a little bit fried LMFAO.



It had been about a week since Harry had last seen the prisoner that stayed levels below him. The day Harry sat with the boy as he slept, Harry admired his peaceful state for hours on end. Harry saw the light outside dimming through the cell window and decided to leave the boy to rest alone. He allowed the ice and blanket to lie with the snoozing delinquent, so he didn't disrupt the boy's sleep.

Harry found himself hiding in his room for the remainder of the night until a harsh knock interrupted his nightly routine. His father stood, raging about the new shift of guards finding the prisoner with a blanket and ice.

Harry yelled back, accusing the knights that caused the pain in the first place. He slammed the door in his father's face just as the King had done a million times.

Like father like son, Harry thought bitterly.

He was surprised at his willingness to lie and treat his father poorly, but he wasn't upset. For some reason, Harry felt that he could lie for the rest of his life if it meant he would never have to see the dungeon boy hurting again.

The following week was spent with immense studying and testing, due to the infuriated King. Harry knew that lashing out at his father would lead to serious consequences, but increased schooling seemed brutal. He also felt guilty, because he knew the staff in the castle had to deal with the King's temper that was fueled by Harry.

Seven days without escaping textbooks and papers left Harry feeling mentally insane. He no longer could take sitting in his blinding white room with a book that smelled as if it was stolen from a grave.

Harry walked out to his balcony for fresh air. He brought himself to the ledge and leaned on the railing. A slight wind was picking up, messing with his hair.

Small pieces of soft brown curls swayed in front of his eyes that reflected the forest greens. He watched as clouds scurried across the sky, leaving behind a bright and clear sky that displayed the opposite of everything Harry has felt lately.

He was conflicted about the prisoner and his father. His father was never the best parent, but if Harry and the village were neglected, then what did the King spend all his time on? After barely talking to a stranger for less than a day, he had more trust in them than his father.

Harry pushed away his thoughts and decided to abandon his work and focus on his garden. He made his way for his only source of comfort.

Living in a large castle came with its perks, especially when you want to avoid others. One could go weeks without seeing another human if that's what they preferred. Expectedly, Harry arrived at his garden undetected.

Harry skimmed over the petals and leaves like he had done many times before to calm his clouded mind. He reached the watering can and began to nurture his plants. While watering his plants, Harry's eyes would drift to the window where he first caught sight of the boy in the dungeon.

In a garden full of stunning and vibrant flowers, Harry could only pay attention to the most beautiful being he had seen: the prisoner.

As he made his way closer to the window, Harry squatted down to peer inside and check on the troublemaker. Harry spotted the boy holding a torch that must have been from beside his cell. He gasped as the boy smirked and tossed the torch in the air. He expertly caught the torch, displaying a wider smirk.

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