Act II- Little Wish Against the Temptress

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On a bright Friday morning, one day after Wishes got her powers, she was asleep covered by a blue and yellow blanket and cuddling with a  stuffed yellow pug in a blue dress. A tall figure came into her room, nearing her bed. "Wishes wake up!!!!!!!!" The figure yelled, making Wishes fall to the floor, still wrapped up in the blanket and still holding the stuffed animal.  "What was that for sis?!?!" The confused girl yelled. "Have you looked at the time!!!!!!! You're gonna be late for school!!!!!!!" Her sister snapped back at her. "Ah!!!!!!!! Why didn't you say so earlier?!?!?! I'm gonna be late!!!!!!!!," Wishes said as she changed hastily into a bright pink top with light blue puffed sleeves, bright yellow beltbwith a cupcake on it,  light blue knee high shorts, and light pink slip ons, but her hair was a puffy mess.
"Wishes, you're not going anywhere with hair like that,"her sister brought Wishes into her room to do her hair and style it in its typical frosting like style, but their was a problem, Wishes' hair had got a bit longer. "How did that happen? OK, don't forget to visit the Sew Sweet Salon after school for a haircut, I'll sign you up for an appointment and I already called in Loopsy High School saying that I'll be late helping mom and dad with the bakery," the other frosting haired girl explained. "Wow Candle, I can't believe you have a plan for everything," Wishes was amazed at her sister's amazing talent for planning ahead, which she didn't exactly have herself.
Wishes ran to school, kissing her sister, mom and dad goodbye as she ran as fast as she could so she wouldn't be late for school. Luckily for her, she arrived  with only ten minutes until the first bell rang, carrying her cake themed backpack and cupcake lunchbox.  "Hey Wishes, glad you could make it," a blue hair girl with freckles wearing pink, white and magenta stepped up to her. "Hey Stumbles, I thought I was gonna be late, thank goodness," her friend said, completely exhausted from all the running.
The two walked to their homeroom where a man in orange hair and round black glasses was waiting for them. "Miss Slice O'Cake, Miss Bumps N Bruises," he said, with the two girls sweating nervously. "I commend you for arriving to school on time, now take your seats young ladies," he said, sitting down at his seat near his desk. "Thank you Mr. Spells-a-lot," Wishes said, taking her assigned seat near a long black table. Stumbles sat next to here as they were chatting a few minutes before the first bell would ring. "Did you study for the Earth Science test, I'm worried I might get a bad grade," the blue haired girl whispered to her friend. "Of course I studied, Candle helped me,"  Wishes replied. "Your sister is the greatest, my sister's always busy busy busy all the time," Stumbles sighed, slamming her face into the table.
The first bell rang as Mr. Spells-a-lot began taking attendance. "Stumbles Bumps N Bruises, Bow Bah Peep, Whispy Sugar Puff, Trouble Dusty Trails, where's Wynnchel Dunk N Crumble?" He asked the class. As soon as Mr. Spells-a-lot finished his sentence, a boy with fuschia hair, a bright pink buttoned shirt with rolled up sleeves, blue jeans and sneakers the color of a plain donut. "There you are Mr. Dunk N Crumble, why are you late?!?!" The teacher yelled at him, getting the class' attention. "I'm sorry Mr. Spells-a-lot, it's just that I was busy studying for the Earth Science test and lost track of time," He replied, feeling guilty. When Wishes set his eyes on the male though, she began to feel her heart pumping, sweat unexpectedly leaking from her forehead, her knees feeling very shaky as if they were cold,  and she wasn't even able to say one word. She had felt so awkward around Wynnchel that she couldn't stop looking at him, as if she were frozen in place as the intercom had come on, signaling the students to stand up for their county's pledge. "The Lalaloopsy Land pledge has begun," it said as students placed their right hands on their hearts. "Welcome to our silly land, where having fun's our favorite plan! So many friends, we love to learn and play! Magic, love, and inspiration, smiles and imagination. Come to where the laughter never ends!" Several students, along with Wishes, Stumbles and Wynnchel said in an excited manner. "We're Lalaloopsy!!!!" Everyone cheered, sitting right back in their seats.
Another bell had rung, signaling the students to leave their homeroom and head to their first class of the day. Wishes, Stumbles and Wynnchel arrived in Earth Science with their teacher, Ms. Luxe, who had a pile of papers on her desk. The students sat down as Ms. Luke handed out the tests to everyone and saying. "Keep your eyes on your paper and don't be afraid to check your notes." Once the test started, Wishes, knowing every answer, wrote them down and focused on her paper.
Far from the school, Ace, Gadget and Astro were checking the sky to see if there were more dark button rays like the one that hit Machina. The noticed one head for the Sew Sweet Salon, a popular place for hair styling, and for the perfect gossip. "Dad look, there's a dark button ray heading for the Salon, we gotta summon Wishes," Ace told his father. "Alright then, you know what to do Astro," Gadget said to his robotic child. "Wishes!!!!!! We need you!!!!!" Astro screamed, sending soundwaves towards the direction of Wishes' belt, making it blink as she was turning in her test. "Uh Ms. Luxe? May I head to the nurse's office? I've got the worst stomach ache!!!" She asked the pink haired woman. "Of course, since you've finished the test, and it seems urgent," she replied with care. Wishes headed to the school's third floor, where the nurse's office was originally, but now she's moved to the regular office on the first floor.
"Little Wish Power!!!!!!!!" Wishes yelled as she transformed from her current outfit to a bright yellow swimsuit, after that happened, black fingerless gloves covered her hands and black sneakers were added. A darker yellow jacket came from a yellow beam and a cake symbol was put on it with a black line. To finish off the transformation, a skirt spawned with the girl spinning around. "Little Wish!!!!" She shouted.
"Alright, what's up?" The transformed Wishes asked, opening a bright yellow makeup compact. "There's a dark button ray nearing the Sew Sweet Salon!!!!!!" Ace screamed. "What he's saying is that the Salon is in danger and I've given you a way to capture the button ray's essence," Gadget explained to her. "Alright." Wishes flew to the location of the dark button ray and looked for what the professor had given her. "OK Gadget, what did you give me?" She said as found a bright yellow yo-yo in her jacket. "A yo-yo!!!! How will this help?!" The super-powered girl yelled in frustration. She swung the yo-yp in anger and it captured the dark button ray before it could do any harm. "Great, now later, take it to us and we might be able to reverse it," the professor said to Wishes as she flew back to the abandoned office and transformed back, the dark button ray essence turning into a heart locket.
Wishes returned to class as she notice Wynnchel holding a bouquet of roses. "Oh, hey Wishes, I'm glad you're feeling better," he smiled, it glimmering in her eyes. "O-o-o-oh, thanks W-w-w-wynnchel," she replied awkwardly, taking the bouquet. She walked off back to class, feeling awkward even more. Wishes arrived in class, with everyone locking at the test results. "I can't believe you got the highest score Wishes!!!!!!!!" Stumbes cheered, annoying the other students because she wasn't known for being the best when it came to tests.
After school, Wishes headed to the Sew Sweet Salon  right away where one of the stylists, Deedee Cut N Style, was chatting with her coworkers. "Oh, I can't believe it darlings!!!!! The mayor will be heading to the Salon!!!!!" She cheered in excitement. "That's amazing Deedee!! I also heard Forest Evergreen was planning on asking you out!!!!! Eeeeee!!!!" Her coworker, Cherie Prim N Proper. "Squee!!!!!" They squealed as April Sunsplash walked to them. "Guys, we have a customer, Miss Wishes Slice O'Cake," she said to them. They got into their position as Wishes, carrying her locket, entered with her sister. "Hello Deedee, April, Cherie, just a little cut," Candle had said, 0aying for the cut. "Good to see you again my darlings, Candle, Wishes," Deedee said in a cheery fashion. "Hello Deedee, same as usual," Wishes said as the hairdresser began to cut her hair into how it usually is.
The two sisters left, leaving money to pay for the hairdressers hard work. "Bye darlings, thank you," Deedee waved to the.thrm as the mayor pulled up to the Salon. "Oh, nice to meet you Madame Mayor," the three said to her, bowing as if she was royalty. "No need to be so formal girls, I'll only be here for a little while," she came towards a giant hair dryer and decided to read a magazine. Once she was doing as she was, Forest Evergreen, Deedee's crush had entered, making her feel awkward. "Hey Forest," she breathed. The brown haired man remained silent, he wasn't interested in Deedee as she was in him. He sat next to the mayor in her hair dryer. "Hello Madame Mayor, I've been chopping down trees to assist with the construction," Forest explained. "Thank you Forest, we will begin construction once we have enough material," she replied. The two had begun to chat, making Deedee jealous. "Ugh!!!!!!!! Why does he have to talk to HER!!!!!!!! He NEVER talks to me!!!!!! Those ruby red lips!!!!!! That snow white skin!!!!!! That ebony black hair!!!!! I hate her so much!!!!!!!" She grabbed the locket Wishes accidentally left there and opened it, unleashing the dark button ray essence on her.
"What?!?!?! You lost the locket?!?!?!" Ace yelled at Wishes. "I'm sorry OK, I had plans before you guys summoned me anyway!!!!!!!!" She yelled back. "I suggest you go after it, you have no idea what evil could be in that," Gadget sent Wishes off, completely transformed.
Wishes flew to the Salon, where Deedee was transformed into a woman with snake like hair. "Ok!!!! I'm here to stop this madness!!!!!!!!" She yelled. "Not the time darling!!!!!!!! I'm in the middle of an appointment!!!!!!!" The villain snapped, blasting hair gel out of her hair. "Ew!! That's gross!!!!!!" Wishes attacked back with a dollop of frosting from her hand. The two girls countered each other's attacks and fought hand to hand. "You fight like a girl," the villain remarked. "Well, I'm pretty new, so," Wishes covered hand in frosting and punched her, knocking her out, turning her back to Deedee.
Wishes returned to lab, sure she was successful in defeating Deedee, she couldn't remove the dark button ray essence. With Deedee, she became aware of her villain alter ego. "Hmm, things are changing for this darling, I am no longer just Deedee Cut N Style, I have become the amazing villain Temptress!!!!!" She yelled. The end.
Ace- Vincent Tong
Gadget- Brian Drummond
Mayor Fairest- Nicole Oliver
Astro- Kathleen Barr
Wishes- Cathy Weseluck
Candle- Tara Strong
Stumbles- Chantal Strand
Mr. Spells-a-lot- Ian Janes Corlett
Wynnchel- Andrew Franchis
Ms. Luxe- Britt McKillip
Deedee- Tabitha St. Germain
Cherie- Andrea Libman
April- Maryke Hendrikse
Forest- Matt Hill

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