Act III- A Tomboy With a Temper

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At Fender Bender Labs, the Fender Benders and Astro were sitting down and eating breakfast together with Wishes. "Thanks for inviting me over, I had no idea that quiches can taste so good!!!" She was amazed by Gadget's cooking. "Actually, dad got that recipe from my mom," Ace explained, making his father feel weird. "Excuse me, but I have to go," the professor said, walking off and leaving his plate. "What's his deal?" Wishes asked. "Uh, let's just say my mom is, a touchy subject for him," the orange haired teen replied. "Oh... I'm sorry," Wishes sighed as she checked the clock on the wall. "Ah!!!!!!! Is it 9 already?!?! I'm gonna be late!!!!!!!!!" "Late for what? Today's a Sunday," Ace asked her. "I know!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be late for my family photo shoot!!!!!!!!!!" Wishes left in a hurry and headed to the photo studio, where her parents and sister were waiting.
"Sorry I'm late you guys, I was just caught up with.... huh?" She noticed that her family was ignoring her. "Are you guys even listening to me?!?!?! I said I was sorry for missing the photo!!!!!" Wishes kept yelling as she came closer and realized that was just a large photo of her family. She walked up to the counter where someone was processing the photos. "Excuse me ma'am, was the Slice O'Cake family here earlier?" She asked. "They were here an hour ago, they were looking for someone, I think her name was Willow? Wendy? Winona? Oh, it was Wishes," The lady had said. "That's me!!! I'm Wishes," the frosting haired girl sighed. "Sorry miss, but you missed the photo shoot," the counter lady replied, making Wishes hit the ground. "Why?!?!?!" She screamed.
Wishes left the photo studio with her head down and felt guilty about it, heading back to her house. She started walking to her home and wasn't looking where she was going and tripped and hit the ground. "Ow!!!" She yelped in a muffled voice. Someone walked up to her and checked her out. "Are you ok?" They asked, opening their hand. Wishes thought it was a cute boy, more specifically Wynnchel, and we all know how she can be around him. "Oh.... thank you," she sighed, blushing a bit. "No need to thank m... wait? Are you blushing?!?!?" That person yelled. "Uh..... yeah, I kinda..... thougbt you were a cute boy....." Wishes admitted, being slapped by that person. "I can't believe you would think I'm a guy!!!!!!!!!! Must be the outfit," that person walked forward, revealing themself to be a girl with light purple pigtails, a tiny orange hat in top of them, a light orange covering a bright purple top, white pants with orange and white tennis shoes. "I'm sorry for overexaggerating, my name's Squirl Lil Top," she shook Wishes' hand as an apology. "I'm Wishes Slice O'Cake," she replied, feeling a bit anxious. "Wait, Wishes Slice O'Cake? I know you, you were that girl who got that 100% on the Earth Science test!!!!" She cheered, making Wishes surprised. "I just studied a lot, that's all," the frosting haired girl replied awkwardly. "Will you be my tutor?! I'm not the best at science," Squirt told her with stars in her eyes. "Uh........... I really can't, I'm just an average student," Wishes walked away and tried not to look at the light purple haired girl.
Wishes finally arrived at home, being greeted by her parents. "Oh, hey mom, hey dad," she said. Her parents just looked at her with happy faces behind a bakery desk. "Uh, I'm sorry, are you listening?" She waved her habd in front of their faces. "Oh..... sorry sweetie, we were really focused on this order," her mother said. "It's fine if you missed the photo shoot, we could do retakes in a couple weeks, just don't mention it to your sister," her father replied. Wishes nodded and walked upstairs to her room, immediately falling onto her bed with her pug plushie next to her. Candle walked, avoiding eye contact with her younger sister. "Uh........ Candle?" Wishes asked, walking up to her. Her sister gave her the silent  treatment until she glared at her with glowing yellow eyes like an anime. "WHY YOU LITTLE!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FLAKED OUT ON OUR FAMILY PHOTO SHOOT!!!!!!!! I HAD THIS WHOLE THING PLANNED FOR THREE WEEKS AND YOU RUINED IT!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled at her, making her feel scared. "Why would you do this to me?!?! I didn't mean it!!!!!" Her sister's yelling made Wishes cry a flow of tears out of her eyes. "Ugh, OK, I'm sorry for yelling at you," she hugged her sister as an apology for all her yelling.
Candle walked out of the room and Wishes sat down on her bed and turned on the TV. On TV, the news was on, talking about Greasemonkey  trying to escape from the zoo. A bright glow came from her pocket, which contained her compact. "Hey guys, I'm assuming that you heard about Greasemonkey," she said to them. "Yeah, maybe we'll be able to return Machina to how she was," Ace replied. "I doubt it, we've never known the lasting effect of the dark button ray that infected her," Astro explained, activating their soundwaves. "Let's do it," Wishes hangs up as she transforms.
"Little Wish Power!!!!!!!!" Wishes yelled as she transformed from her current outfit to a bright yellow swimsuit, after that happened, black fingerless gloves covered her hands and black sneakers were added. A darker yellow jacket came from a yellow beam and a cake symbol was put on it with a black line. To finish off the transformation, a skirt spawned with the girl spinning around. "Little Wish!!!!" She shouted.
Little Wish flew to the zoo, where Greasemonkey was chained up by a couple of zookeepers. "Thanks for the assistance you guys, but I can handle this," she said. She summoned a candle to fight off the mutated monkey. By swinging the candle around, Little Wish freed Greasemonkey from her chains. "Graaaa!!!!!!!" The mutated animal growled. "Oh no," the frosting haired girl said and was grabbed by her. "Let me go!!!!!" Wishes yelled. "Not a chance Little Wish!!!!! I'm here for my revenge!!!!!" She shook the preteen superhero like a rattle. "Plea-ea-ea-ease sto-o-o-op!!!!" Wishes cried out.
While all this commotion was going on, Squirt was at the zoo's elephant habitat with her sister Peanut, and her fathers Trick Big Top and Bing Lil Top, hearing Wishes' screaming. "I'll be back you guys," she ran off to go check out what was happening. She came to take a look at it, and noticed a white light in the sky. The light was a button ray and it was about to hit a girl holding a balloon. "Oooooo, pretty," she said. "Huh?! Look out!!!!" Squirt pushed the girl out of the way and was hit by the ray like Wishes did before.
"Little Circus Magic!!!!!!!!" Squirt began to transform, creating an orange swimsuit similar to Wishes'. She then created the black fingerless gloves and sneakers. A dark orange jacket was added to her outfit, creating a peanut symbol on the back with a black line. Finally, she span around in a circle, but instead of creating a skirt, it created short that matched the swimsuit. "Little Circus!!!!!!!!!"
After the transformation, Squirt took a look at a new version of herself. "Oh, thank goodness I'm not wearing a skirt," she breathed in relief. She looked out at Wishes and thought she needed help. "OK, how do I this? Aaaaaah!!!!!!!!" Squirt screamed as she accidentally flew up in the air. She flew around uncontrollably, hitting Greasemonkey in her arm. "Ow!!!!!! You little!!!" She tried to attack the super-powered girl, releasing Wishes in the process. Wishes flew towards Squirt and grabbed her. "Ok, Little Circus I assume, if you wanna control your flight, keep yourself in balance," she said, looking her eye to eye. "Ok." She breathed and began to hover a bit. "Woo!!! I'm doing it!!! Alright!!!!" Little Circus cheered as she accidentally threw exploding peanuts, one landing on Greasemonkey, knocking her down. "Woah, that was literally nuts, let's head to the lab," Wishes said to her. "Lab? What lab?" Squirt asked in reply.
The two were taken to Fender Bender Labs where professor Gadget gave her own belt, one with a peanut on it, making her transform back to normal. "Welcome to the team Squirt," Wishes said, revealing her true identity. "Hehe, thanks, but you gotta admit, I did save your butt back there," the light purple haired girl gloated. "I do," the preteen replied awkwardly. The end.
Ace- Vincent Tong
Gadget- Brian Drummond
Astro- Kathleen Barr
Wishes- Cathy Weseluck
Counter lady- Tabitha St. Germain
Candle- Tara Strong
Squirt- Shannon Chan-Kent
Mrs. Slice O'Cake- Colleen Winton
Mr. Slice O'Cake- David Godfrey
Greasemonkey- Rebecca Shoichet
Little girl- Claire Corlett

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