numero cuatro

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hey, so it's been a while. you're all so lovely in the comments i've gotten so i decided to carry on writing. i'm so sorry if this is too short or crap, i'm off school ill today, i don't have much to do and i thought it was about time i did this for you. anyway, i'll stop talking now. thanks for sticking with this if you have done and yeah anyway enjoy

also, a/n at the beginning, yes or no? i'm not sure

Mari's POV

I tried filming a solo Maricraft video, honestly I did, but all I could concentrate on was David and Matt's argument. It still surprised me that Matt had a crush on me, he seemed so casual around me and I'd never have known if I hadn't overheard him say so. David had surprised me, too; it wasn't normal for him to get angry like that. Guiltiness started to creep over me - the two guys were really close friends and I felt like I was ruining their friendship. That sounds pretty selfish, but that's what I felt like. I didn't want them to fall out because Matt thought David liked me, he himself even said that he didn't. 

Then I remembered, David was supposed to come round to my house later to help me with the stuff I had bought from the store last night. That was gonna be awkward, he didn't know that I overhead his argument with Matt. Speaking of Matt, what would he do if he found out David was going to my place, especially after that heated discussion? Would he get jealous? Probably. This was such a mess. 

The door opened, and I turned around to see Matt and Joven standing there. 

"Hey, we're going getting some food, do you want some?" Matt asked me, a shy smile on his face while a low blush spread across his cheeks.

Now I was aware of it, his crush on me was clearly obvious to anybody else. Wow, I must be pretty stupid if I hadn't noticed.

"Yeah sure, thanks" I smiled back at the two guys, and they left the room.

My mind was overcrowding with confusing and contradictory thoughts, so instead of trying to work I figured I could go and open some fan mail. There was a huge bag of it in the corner of the main room, and we hadn't found time to look through it yet. Debating whether or not to film it, I decided not to, mainly because I was alone and my mind wasn't completely together.

I only read letters or opened packages addressed to myself; it wasn't fair or right to open the other guys' mail, or stuff that was for all of us without them all being there. I gotta say, some of the letters were so personal or sweet that I teared up, I was so grateful for everyone out there who watched our videos and supported us as Smosh Games. Before I could get full-on emotional, Joven and Matt were back with our food.

We all sat around the big table in the other room, Davey, Matt, Joven, Wes, Flitz and I. Ian and Anthony weren't there today, I think they were filming a video for their main channel. The food that had been brought back was from the noodle place a few blocks away, and I hadn't ate from there for what seemed like forever. Trust me, the noodles from there were amazing. Wes was vlogging, but I saw that Matt and David were still pretty tense around each other. They were sat as far away from each other as possible, and I hoped it wasn't obvious on camera. It wouldn't be good if people started suspecting the two had argued, but considering even Wes, Flitz and Joven hadn't noticed then I guessed it would all be fine.

We took our first bites in an overly dramatic way and Wes filmed it, handing the camera to Flitz when it was his turn. I was pretty sure there was a thing going on between them, even though they hadn't announced anything yet. They were cute together anyway, if they were a thing or not. We answered some questions off twitter that Matt read out, then we ended the vlog. The atmosphere was pretty tense, nobody knew what to say. It was uncomfortable as hell.

"Well, I'm gonna film some Grand Theft Smosh, who's with me?" Sohinki asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Everyone apart from David and I went to film with him, and as Matt was leaving the room I saw the mean glance he shot at the other guy. I really wanted them to get over the argument they had had, but they were both pretty stubborn people. David coughed, and that brought my attention back to him.

"So, since neither of us have anything to do, do you wanna go back to your house and get it fixed up a bit more?" he suggested.

"Sure, sounds like a plan." I agreed with him.

We both headed to my car, and I began to drive. The radio was playing softly in the background, some crappy bubblegum pop tune that was way too high pitched to not be autotuned. We were both silent, thinking about stuff.

"Hey Davey?" I said to him, though it came out sounding like a question.


"I heard your argument with Matt earlier."

Nobody spoke for a few seconds after that, although it seemed much longer.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I don't want you two to fall out. Especially over somebody as insignificant as me. It's not worth it, you guys are really good friends."

"Mari, don't you ever call yourself insignificant again, because that's a lie if I ever heard one. Also, me and Matt will sort this out in our own time, so please don't worry about us." David stopped speaking for a while, and turned his head to look out of the passenger side window. "So you know Matt has a crush on you, then?"

"How long has that been going on for? If I hadn't heard him say so then I honestly wouldn't have known."

"For a while now actually, and you seriously never noticed? Wow Mari, it was pretty damn obvious, I gotta say."

"The thing is, I don't like him back. And I don't know how to tell him that without hurting him. Especially now, he'll start thinking I like you, and then you two aren't ever gonna be okay with each other again. I just feel awful because I can't put an end to it without hurting him, but it's so unfair not to tell him that I'm not interested. Davey what do I do?"

I looked at him, taking my eyes off the road for a couple of seconds. I'm pretty sure he could see the worry spread across my face, and then he looked straight ahead, his eyes widening.

"Mari, LOOK OUT!" he yelled.

I slammed my foot on the brakes, and tried so hard to swerve my car out of the way. But it was too late. I'd already hit the little boy that was lay spread-eagled in the centre of the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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