numero dos

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Lasercorn's POV

Once Mari had left, I just sat there in my desk chair. It was nice to know I had somebody to talk to, and I was honestly so grateful to Mari for that. I decided there was no point in staying any longer, so I grabbed my stuff and drove home. On the way home, I played my favourite album full blast, which earnt me dirty looks from a few drivers, but I couldn't give any less fucks. 

I unlocked the door and entered my house, and I'd barely sat down before my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID - it was Mari.

"Hey Mari, what's up?"

"David, I need you to come over asap" she sounded stressed.

"Mari, what happened, are you okay?"

"My house has been broken into..."

"I'll be right over, see you in 10"  

I hung up and drove to Mari's place. I was kinda shocked her house had been broken into, and it really wasn't fair on her, she was such a sweet, kind girl and everybody loved her; I could totally see why Matt had a crush on her. Before I could think any longer, I was at Mari's, and the place was wrecked. The front windows were smashed, and the door had been broken into, and from what I could see, inside had been totally trashed. My mouth hung open, and Mari ran out crying. I closed the gap between us, and hugged her tightly. She didn't deserve this; it was gonna be hell getting it back to normal again.

"Hey, Mari, it's gonna be okay. Come on, I'll drive us to Starbucks, we can get coffee then lets start clearing this mess up, yeah?" I tried cheering her up, and she wiped her eyes and got into the passenger seat of my car, giving me a weak, yet grateful, smile.

We got our Starbucks, and went back to Mari's again. We drove in silence, but it wasn't awkward, we just didn't have much to say. As soon as we got to her house, I started cleaning up the bits of glass from the shattered windows and Mari started sweeping shit up. After about 3 hours, her house was as close to normal as it could be, and we both sat down on the couch.

"David, thank you so much, I got home and just freaked out, I didn't know who else to call I'm sorry if you were busy or anything I-"

I cut her off "Mari calm down, it's fine. I really don't mind coming to help you, seriously if you need anything you can just call me, or come to my place no matter what time it is"

"Sounds familiar" Mari was grinning, and I was pleased that I'd managed to cheer her up.

"Hey, I mean it." I smilied back, and when I checked my phone it was nearing midnight - where the time went I have no fucking clue. "It's getting late, I should go"

"See you tomorrow, Davey" Mari said.

"Bye Mari" I called as I walked back towards my car.

Driving home, I couldn't stop thinking about Mari....


hey dudes

okay remind me never to say hey dudes again

i'm so sorry i haven't updated in like 2 months,  idk i just didn't really feel like it, then I saw this is nearly at 100 views I was like holy shit lets update, so yah lmao :3

its nearly christmas i'm actually so excited wow

if you liked this chapter then let me know because I probably won't carry on writing it if nobody wants me to so yeaaa, anyway I love you for clicking on this <3

see ya :)

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