joining the team / the boys

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-when you first join, he couldn't care less about you.

-but after a few weeks you're practically best mates.

-basically, as soon as you prove yourself useful and pretty smart, he starts to pay attention to you and realises you're the best bitch/bastard/non binary badass in town.

-you even get the famous line:
'and you're a good cunt.'

-personally, I'd be honoured.

-anyway, the point is, he starts to take you on more missions and its hella exciting

-you spend loads of time in the car and on steakouts together and try a ton of different foods.

-in the end, he sees you as one of The Boys.

-and let's not forget about that iconic smirk.

-'come on, y/n. let's get going.'


-he's pretty kind to you from the get go, mainly because he was once in your position.

-he figured since he didn't get broken in quite so gently, you didn't deserve the same.

-determined not to let the others (Butcher) ruin you.

-always asks if you want something from the store.

-once he realises you're with them to stay, he starts to open up more about Robin and his personal life

-it's nice for him to talk to someone about Starlight who won't judge him.

-you become the backup to his voice of reason among The Boys.

-'guys, this is insane.'
'shur'up, hugh.'
'campbell's right, boys.'


-gets you high at the earliest convenience to decide if he likes you or not.

-ultimately, he's a big fan of the way you think.

-he gives you some nickname you never discover the meaning of and that becomes your name to The Boys (Butcher, The Frenchman, The Female etc.)

-after a while, when all the crime starts to take a toll on you, he takes you to the back of a greasy spoon at like 7am.

-he keeps on pressing until you finally tell him what's wrong.

-over many cups of coffee and cigarettes, you discuss communism and shit like solving the world's problems.

-when you go back to the bunker together, your job feels a lot more small and comforting.

-but he still checks up on you from time to time


-he's almost the most suspicious of you when you join.

-when the others are in conversation, he side glances you to catch a glimpse of what might be going on in your mind.

-he's just trying to decide whether your intentions are hostile or not.

-after you essentially save The Boys' lives, he starts to come around to the idea of having you around.

-M.M.'s not the hardest guy to get along with once you save The Boys' arses a few times and he understands you're genuine.

-the guy's decent conversation, massive feminist, and all around the most level-headed member when it comes to politics, safety etc.

-you always enjoy how excited he gets when he's talking about how impressed with Janine he is, he even shows you a few pictures.

-when you're having a rough moment, his advice is usually the one that helps the most.

-because let's be honest, Butcher would suggest a rampage, Frenchie would set you out a line of coke, and Hughie would suggest "a long walk" like excuse me mr campbell, I didn't realise I was speaking to cams


-yk when I said M.M. is almost the most suspicious?

-Kimiko's the worst. Naturally.

-it's practically a miracle when you get anything from her apart from a glare.

-after a few good months, she taps you on the shoulder

-now this is the first direct interaction you've ever had with The Female. up to this point you'd just assumed Frenchie was the only one "allowed"

-turns out she wanted to practise applying nail polish and you were her first victim

-after this instance, you start to develop a friendship much like Butcher and M.M.'s

-the two of you smile cunningly at each other across rooms when everyone else is talking

-and whenever you see a pretty shade of nail polish while shopping, you make sure to slip it up your sleeve for later

next up is one exactly like this but including The Seven! <3

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