you're burned / the boys (and some of the seven)

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So this was inspired by our quarantine-I thought I would write about you and The Boys being burned because it's kind of their version of lockdown I guess . xoxo

(Y/F/F) : your favourite food


-You chill in a small safehouse overlooking the Manhattan skyline.

-"Finally , some peace and fucking quiet ."
"I know , (Y/N) . Just relax , they ain't gonna' find us in a million years ."

-You think his snoring might catch people's attention .

-...I can imagine him snoring. I've got so much material for my next The Boys book and Season 2 isn't even out yet.


-He obviously doesn't care whether he's allowed out or not, we've learned that now.

"Hey! This is Guizmo!"
"Oh... just turn it down after this one, then."

-Messing around with loads of weapons and miss-matching random scopes and grips.

-Very long conversations and lots of getting high because excuse me, he is definitely on 'LSD, MDMA - this is a candy flip'. Mate... I'm not surprised.


-Probably the most luxurious lockdown ever because he's so prepared.

-"Have we got (Y/F/F)?"
"Thanks. Oh, have we got-"

-Ice Cream and more Downton Abbey.

-"Can we not... try a different show?"
"Excuse me?"
"You ever heard of Pretty Little Liars?"
(He'd love it, don't judge me.)


-Shitting himself, as always.

-"H-hey, (Y/N), did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"HOLY SHIT! That's not funny, (Y/N)."

-Is there a Buzzfeed quiz to see which Billy Joel song you are?

-Teasing him about the 'Translucent Incident'

🌟Bonus - (some of) The Seven🌟


(I have a massive crush on Erin Moriarty - she's gorgeous, she also recently turned 26 🥳)

-Snuggling up in cosy knitwear, huddled up inside.

-"Holy shit, I think someone's coming."
"Okay, (Y/N), get behind me."


-You make a lot of inside jokes which confuse people when you come out of hiding.


(*mumbles* evil fackin-)

-You're not worried about the consequences of being found, Johnny-boy can handle it.

-*lasers someone in half*
"... the fuck is wrong with you, (Y/N)?"

-He leaves you, defenceless in the safehouse for hours.

-(or if you like him:) Spends every second with you just in case.


-She'll probably have to leave at some point, but not for too long.

-"Yeah, go do your thing."
"But do call me if you need anything, won't you?"

-*throws intruders across the room*


Please send me requests, I'm sad and lonely lmao


BONUS BONUS (bc someone requested it)

☆Soldier Boy☆

-having gained some perspective since Nicaragua, he's surprisingly sensible.

-he's got you two locked down somewhere not even Vought can find you.

-Soldier Boy can't trust the CIA or FBI either, so he takes matters into his own hands

-in the unlikely event that someone does find you, he will stand in front of you, always. worst comes to worst, he grabs you, pulls you into him so close you can feel the stubble on his neck and cheeks, and hides you both behind his shield while bullets bounce in all directions.

-he will go to any lengths to keep you safe and hidden

- *hears the slightest disturbance* "Get right here now, (Y/N)."
"Excuse me?"
"No, closer. Come here."

-man's paranoid, what can I say?

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