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Yay! My lappy is back! So here are the results for Best Blurb category.

The runner-up prize goes to...

The Perfect Collide by Nasiim22


And the winner prize goes to...

Match Made in Hell by fanficsxsonali

Congratulations both of you for winning!

You can collect your winning stickers by 2 ways,

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Here are the Scores:

Different Mixtures by Shaunatay

How much was it crafted? Was it well written? : 4/5

How much exciting/Attractive? : 12/15

How much did it connect to the story? : 3/5

Total: 19/25

It was very informative and gave a vivid picture of the story but I think If it's made a little bit exciting or could draw the reader's attention instantly then it would surely gain the tag of "BEST BLURB" 

Sensitive as raindrops by yashu07

How much was it crafted? Was it well written? : 3/5

How much exciting/Attractive? : 10 /15

How much did it connect to the story? : 4/5

Total: 17/25

I know it's really hard to write Attractive blurbs for a poetry book since it doesn't have a particular plot or character. So I would suggest you to write an extract/verse of your poem in the blurb so that readers could sense you poetry before reading the chapters.

My lifeline by Readin4Evah

How much was it crafted? Was it well written? : 4/5

How much exciting/Attractive? : 13/15

How much did it connect to the story? : 4/5

Total: 21/25

I liked the way the blurb has been crafted. Very elegant and decent. It gives me a romantic vibes. I really felt attracted towards the story.

The Perfect Collide by Nasiim22

How much was it crafted? Was it well written? : 4.5/5

How much exciting/Attractive? : 15/15

How much did it connect to the story? : 4.5/5

Total: 24/25

This was like absolutely stunning! I was hooked onto the blurb so much so that I felt bad when it came to an end. It totally gives an insight to the story and I can't find a flaw. You have very cleverly designed your blurb. I like the way you started and at the end gave a short introduction to the characters. And the ending line was really a Cliff-hanger! Keep you up the good work!

Courage by moonbraker23

How much was it crafted? Was it well written? : 3/5

How much exciting/Attractive? : 10/15

How much did it connect to the story? : 3/5

Total: 16/25

It gives a mystery / action story vibes and suits to the story but I think it's too short. May be you can add some more lines to make it Attractive.

Book: Princess' Love

Written by: MeharKapoor16

How was it crafted? Was it written well? (5): 4

How much was it exciting and attractive? (15): 13

How much did it connect to the story? (5): 5

Total (25): 22

Book: You are someone special

Written by: Debanya_x_Devhita

How was it crafted? Was it written well? (5): 4

How much was it exciting and attractive? (15): 12

How much did it connect to the story? (5): 3

Total (25): 21

Book: Match Made in Hell

Written by: fanficsxsonali

How was it crafted? Was it written well? (5): 5

How much was it exciting and attractive? (10): 15

How much did it connect to the story? (5): 5

Total (25): 25

Book: Devil's Princess

Written by: fanficsxsonali

How was it crafted? Was it written well? (5): 5

How much was it exciting and attractive? (10): 13.5

How much did it connect to the story? (5): 5

Total (25): 23.5

Book: Mafia's Love

Written by: MeharKapoor16

How was it crafted? Was it written well? (5): 4

How much was it exciting and attractive? (15): 12

How much did it connect to the story? (5): 5

Total (25): 21


Here are the scores for all the books!

Don't be dishearten if you didn't win, there is always a next chance!

Thank you everyone!



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