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Irene wakes up from her deep sleep. She feels so fresh this morning. After a while, this is the first time she gets good sleep without any stressful things in her mind. Her body feels lighter than usual. If she know travel this far away from home can lift up burden in her mind, she already leaving long time ago

After tidying up her bed, she went out but noticed the house was silent. She walk to living room then saw wall clock that showing 7:30 AM

"No wonder house is silent" she mumble

She went to the kitchen and noticed that the back door was open. That's mean Mrs. Kang in the backyard. She busy drying their clothes at the backyard

"Aunty, good morning" said Irene

Mrs. Kang turned around "Morning Rene, have good sleep last night?"

"Yes aunty, it has been a while since I sleep well" Irene sit on the bench watching Mrs. Kang doing her work

"You shouldn't stress yourself, you know. It's not good for your body, especially young girls like you. While you are here, just forget your problem and enjoy your life" Mrs. Kang said kindly

Irene smiles hearing that "Aunty, can I stay here a bit longer?"

Seulgi's mother joins Irene on the bench. "You can stay here as long as you want" she looks at Irene softly "Rene, I don't know what your problem is currently but from your face I can see that you deal with something heavy. I don't mean to meddle in your personal stuff but if you want to open up, I'm ready to lend my ears. Don't bottle up everything in your mind. Anytime you want to tell me, just say it. I always told my kids to share problems with me or their appa when they are ready to spill it out. If we can't help to solve it, at least we can share the burden with each other"

Irene feels emotional when Mrs. Kang talks to her in a soft voice "Aunty, can you hug me?"

"Sure" Mrs. Kang open her arms then Irene throw herself to her embrace

"How I hope my mom will be understanding like you. She is very strict"

"Every mom has her own way to deal with their children. Maybe your mom want the best for you that's why she is strict" Mrs. Kang stroking Irene hair softly

"She does not listen whenever I want to share my problem or my thoughts, that's why I keep every burden alone. She always busy with her business, leaving me alone at home with maid" Irene pull back from warm embrace and sit properly like earlier "My parents want me to marry a man that they choose for me"

"Really?" Mrs. Kang feel sorry to the younger girl in front of her

"Yes, I never met him but I heard a lot about him. He is the son of my parent's friend. Mom and dad keep forcing me to marry him so I decide to run away. I don't have anywhere to go so I end at this town"

Mrs. Kang caressing Irene's hair tenderly "You can stay here with us but when time comes, you must solve your problem with your parents. Tell them that you don't want to marry that man. You can't hide forever. Running away will not solve the problem. Meet with them after you get ready. I'm sure they will understand. Slow talk with them. Don't use anger"

"Okay aunty"

"They might not understand now but soon, their heart will soften. No parents want to lose their child, believe me. Even how stubborn they are, in the end something will make them realize their mistake. There will be a turning point in every problem. Everything will be okay, soon. Don't ever resent your parents"

My Day is Full of You [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now