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"It's been a while since we come to the farm" Seulgi say after take off his helmet

"Yeah, farm looked different now" Irene looked around and nods her head in satisfaction because of the changes in the farm

"Appa and the contractor team work hard to expand this farm. Dad's investment helping a lot in our farm development"

Irene cackles "Aigoo, I don't know appa interested in agriculture business. He never show interest to other field aside from construction and investment"

"Maybe he wants to try something new. He came here once and he already plans a lot with appa. He agree to all idea that appa bring up"

"I'm happy to hear that. I also find out that profit from our agriculture investment is high. I'm very satisfied when I read the monthly report last month"

"Besides, now is harvesting season so the income is high"

Irene followed Seulgi to every part of the farm because Seulgi was taking pictures to send to Mr. Bae. They greeted the workers at the farm and they were very happy to see both of them. There are a lot of ripe fruits. Seulgi pluck some for Irene and for them to bring back home

They also go to the new farm site that is still under construction. Mr. Kang supervises the contractor work to make sure the ground is cleared neatly. Irene was also satisfied with the work progress. She was briefed by Mr. Kang about the new farm project. Irene also generate some ideas and promise to inject capital in the upcoming project


Yerim skips to the house with a big smile and plops herself on the couch beside her mom. She linked their arms together and rested her head on her mom shoulder

"I smell something fishy" Mrs. Kang lazily stare at her daughter

The younger Kang giggle "Mommy~"


"My friends said food festival are held at town park start from yesterday" Yerim traced her mom arm

"So?" Mrs. Kang already know where their conversation going

"Can we go tonight?" Yerim puppy eyes automatically appear

Mrs. Kang rolled her eyes "I know you going to ask that"

"You're the best mom"

"Ask your appa" Mrs. Kang say when she saw her husband coming

"What?" Mr. Kang looking at Yerim and his wife

Yerim quickly move to sit beside her father "Appa, let's go to food festival tonight"

Mr. Kang tapped his temple then he said "Ask your oppa and unnie. If they want to go then we go. If not, we will go next time. The food festival is held for a week"

"Okay appa"

Without wasting time, Yerim walks to Seulgi's bedroom. She slowly knocks on the door just in case Hyunji is sleeping. She worry if she disturb the little girl sleeping

"Come in" Seulgi answer from inside

Yerim opens the door and enters the room. She joins Irene on the bed where the older girl just finished changing her daughter's diapers. Hyunji laid comfortably on the bed after wearing the clean diapers.

 Hyunji laid comfortably on the bed after wearing the clean diapers

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