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Author note: Sorry because this chapter is boring and weird. I wrote it during my recovery period so I can't generate ideas. I'm sorry in advance 🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♂️


"Seulgi oppa!" Yerim ran to Seulgi embrace as soon as they arrived at the apartment. Kang's family came to Seoul because Sooyoung will take the university entrance exam next week. Yerim still on school holiday so they will stay at Seoul for a while to spend more time with Seulgi

"My baby" Seulgi pats Yerim head softly then plant a kiss on her cheek

"I miss you, oppa~"

"I miss you too" Seulgi squishing Yerim cheeks

After that, Seulgi helped his family to bring their luggage and bags. Since they will stay a bit longer at Seoul so they bring lot of stuff

"Oppa, where is unnie?" Sooyoung asking after put their stuff to their rooms

"She has a meeting at another district today so she can't come early. She will come here to have dinner with us"

"You're not working today, Seul?" ask Mr. Kang

"I work half-day, appa. I don't have lot of work to do so I can go home in the afternoon"

"Alright, how's work?"

"Work is as usual. Sometimes tired and sometimes relaxed. We're a bit free lately after done with mini-park project"

Then Mrs. Kang said "Seul, you gain weight, don't you? You look bigger than last time I saw you" she examine her son

Seulgi giggled "I think so, mom. I workout less lately and Joohyun always make sure I not skip meal"

"Glad to hear that. At least she is here to watch over you especially your meal"

"Joohyun is good woman and dependable" Mr. Kang commented

"Kids, now go wash up and unpack your stuff. After that, go to sleep" say the mother

"Okay boss" the kids say obediently

"Seul, what do you have in the fridge?"

"I haven't restocked the foods but I still have fruits, ramyeon, frozen foods, bread and some drinks if you are all hungry. Coffee, tea and chocolate powder are in the cabinet if you need it"

"What about for dinner?"

"Mom, Joohyun said she will buy dinner for us and we will have dinner at her penthouse upstairs later. Tomorrow you can shopping grocery"

"Okay then"


Mrs. Kang bumps into her son who dresses well like he wants to go out "Seul, where are you going?"

"I want to pick up Joohyun at the office. Office hour almost end" say Seulgi

"I want to go with you then we stop by the supermarket. I need ingredients to make breakfast tomorrow"

"Okay mom"

"I will change my clothes and tell your appa" Mrs. Kang run to the bedroom while Seulgi sit on the couch while waiting for his mother


They arrived at D'SIGN building about 30 minutes later. Seulgi parked his car at the VIP car park as usual. Some of the staff are already leaving the building to go home. Seulgi and his mother waited inside the car while talking about random topics. Most of it are gossiping about what happen in their hometown

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