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Hearty laughter filled the living room of Seungwan's apartment. Right after he told his friends that he was already at his apartment, Seulgi and Moonbyul come to his place to interrogate him. He told them about his 2 days of activities at Jung residence. In the end, his friends laughed at him. Seungwan throw cushion to both of them for making him annoyed

"Yah, stop laughing!" Seungwan sulking

The mischievous duo finally stop laughing. They sit properly on the couch "Bro, you really in a military camp. I'm lucky that Mr. Kim is not an army" say Moonbyul

"I hope Mr. Bae will not ask me to do nonsense task" Seulgi added

"I still can't get over Mr. Jung asking you to wake up at 2 AM and have coffee with him at the garden" Moonbyul hold his laugh

"How does Eunji noona react when she knows that you wake up at 2 AM to drink coffee with her dad?"

"Of course she was angry. She and her mom lecture her dad for bullying me. You know the weather is really cold and he suddenly comes up with the idea of drinking coffee in the garden. Who on earth is doing that?"

"What else does he ask you to do?"

"He want me to master martial art then against him when he come back from Busan 2 months from now" Seungwan showing frowning face "If I lose, I can't meet with Eunji anymore"

"Oh man~"

"You should start learning from now on" say Moonbyul

Seungwan pulled his hair in frustration "I don't know where to begin. 2 months is not enough to find a trainer and I'm not sure if I can master it quickly. Mr. Jung's strength is no joke. I can't even push his arm during arm wrestling. I only win against him when we play chess. He is a director of a martial art association and he also owns a Taekwondo Academy that has many branches in the country. He is black belt holder"

"Yaaa, Taekwondo is not a problem. We have Kang Seulgi here. He is master of Taekwondo" Moonbyul say while Seulgi posing like he is ready to fight

"Seul, can you?" Seungwan looking at Seulgi with hope

"It's a piece of cake. I will train you until you can take down that old man. Mr. Jung is not a big problem. You will definitely get his blessing"

"Thank you, Seul" Seungwan hugging Seulgi sideway

"You have 8 weeks before the battle. You must train hard. Develop your muscle and stamina. Remember, you will face a monster, not a kid. Don't make yourself embarrass in front of Eunji" say Moonbyul

"Okay hyung" Seungwan say confidently

"Son Seungwan, our training will start tomorrow on 8 PM. We will use the exercise studio at the gym. You must eat healthy food. Every morning, we will run as early as 6 AM at the park. Make sure you get enough sleep and wake up early"

"Okay master!" Seungwan bow his head deeply

"Good, Byul hyung also go with us" Seulgi smirk evilly

Moonbyul quickly disagreed "I have nothing to do with martial arts. Mr. Kim don't challenge me to fight with him"

"Nope mister, you can't be lazy. Just in case Mr. Kim wants you to show him what you are good at, at least you have the ultimate weapon to impress him. He will not doubt you anymore. You also can defend yourself if someone attack you like before" Seulgi reasoning

Moonbyul just sighs heavily. He don't have space to against Seulgi because he is right after all "Okay, I will join both of you but we must focus more in Seungwan"

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