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It had been a very busy week, to say the least. A very busy few weeks actually. 

Between the fall of the Symbol of Peace and the students moving into the dorms under UA's watchful eye, it was natural for everyone to have their energies sucked out dry. It wasn't just for the students, the entire nation had been shaken up by the recent incidents but they were recovering from it gradually. The government and the heroes were cooperating better as they slowly began to fill the space that All Might's retirement had left in the society. Training was coming in harder for the students, they knew they had to get better, stronger at a faster pace. Most spare hours were left for sparring and or homework. Work load increased on the teachers too as they started to handle their student body at a larger scale considering how the kids were now under their care 24/7 and they had to absolutely make sure they were safe and well.

So, it was natural that once a free day came by with nothing to do but to laze around in the common room they all felt terribly exhausted. Kaminari even joked about them defeating Aizawa in a few days with their designer eyebags. The rest of his friends gave the signature Aizawa smile in return which only proved his point and might have freaked him out a little bit too. 

It was a Saturday evening. All homework and assignments finished, no training left to catch up on. All twenty of them scattered around the common area comfortably as they busied themselves with the murder documentary playing on the television. They vaguely remembered Hound Dog saying something about watching happy, cute or funny things after a traumatic experience that was bound to leave a mental scar to haunt them for the rest of their lives but they were already near the ending so why should they not find out who killed Ryukyu's old sidekick in a mad frenzy of revenge? So cuddled up in groups of three or four under warm blankets with bowls of popcorn, Class-1-A watched closely as the mystery unravelled before their eyes.

It was actually kind of funny since two of their teachers — Eraserhead and All Might were both involved in the incident and they could've just asked them about it in person and had gotten a quicker and more real story in detail. Also the two teachers were right there, sitting by the kitchen counter, probably grading their papers. They chose to ignore what they were doing. No one wanted to see how they did in the last test. No one.

"Man! I can't believe that was it!" Kirishima exclaimed as he stretched out his arms. The documentary concluded with the serial killer remaining unidentified for some reason. They should have just asked their teachers who the murderer was but eh, nevermind.

"Bet the villain wasn't sparkling enough to be worthy of any screen time."

"Truly a mad banquet of darkness,"

"But, hey, that wasn't the full story...." Izuku picked at his lips, no one was fast enough to stop the storm that came afterwards, "They cut out a lot of important details near the end, not forgetting the fact that they didn't even reveal the villain. I remember reading about this incident a few years back on this not-sketchy website, they did manage to find the villain and it was the infamous serial killer Simmer in case you were wondering who's mostly known in the villainous underground for keeping his victim's bodies in tanks filled with boiling hot acid for days after brutally killing them — but that's not the point since he was caught and imprisoned. I'm sure the real reason they didn't reveal him was because of his familial relationship with the sidekick in question and not because his work wasn't suitable enough to be shown on television. Which also begs the question, why are they trying to hide something that was made semi-public about three years ago? Maybe Ryukyu's agency is planning to see whether Simmer left some underlings with how—"

"Okay, sure, grandma. Let's get you to bed." Kaminari patted him on the back, cutting him off before he could start theorizing wild reasons as to why the villain wasn't revealed. The green head immediately clamped both his hands on his mouth and started apologizing profusely.

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