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Kid's POV

Running into the infirmary with Liz and Patty by my side, I opened the door out of breathe. I saw Maka and Soul looking at us, their faces showing their expression clear as day. Black Star and Tsubaki were next to them as support. "(Y/n).. Where's (Y/n)..?"

"She's, umm.." Maka trailed off, looking down.

"(Y/n) is in critical condition but stable. Someone that goes by the Demon Sword did this to her." Tsubaki answered sadly, looking towards the curtain in front of all of us. "You can see her if you want."

"Kid, can we see her?" Patty asked me, making me look at her and Liz.

"We want to see her too, Kid. She's also our friend." Liz added.

I nodded. "That's alright with me. Let's go.."

We walked towards the curtain uneasy since we were not sure how bad of a state (Y/n) is currently in. My nerves were getting the best of me as I felt my arm slight shake as my palms were beginning to sweat.

"It's my fault.." Maka mumbled as we always past her.

"Maka, you and I both know that it's not.. (Y/n) is strong. She'll make it out okay." Soul reassured Maka, but his voice wasn't convincing anyone.

"Tsubaki, let's go outside for a bit - give them some air to breathe." Black Star said calmly as he walked out of the room.


They slowly left, leaving Liz, Patty and myself in the room with (Y/n). Slowly as I possibly could, I moved the curtains, only to see (Y/n) laying down with bandages around her torso - a little blood seeping through the bandage - and IV drips around her body. Liz gasped as Patty was sniffling. As for myself, my body and mind just froze. My emotions were all over the place as I saw her in such a bad state.

The Demon Sword did this..? This can't be all one person.. It has to be something else, it makes no sense for one person to do this.. Just what exactly happened in Italy..?

"Kid.." Shaking my head, I looked at my weapons to see they were by her side, holding her left hand. "Do you want to be left alone? You haven't moved since we first saw her." Liz asked me.

"Yes.." I nodded, looking back at (Y/n).

"Okay. Patty, let's go cheer up Maka and Soul."

"Okay sis."

Leaving the room, I was the only person left to see (Y/n). I still couldn't move, wanting to go to her side. That's when I noticed her hair being parted unsymmetrically, causing me to move so I can fix it. "Your hair isn't symmetrical.. Let me fix it.." I muttered as I fixed her hair. But as I was fixing (Y/n)'s hair, I couldn't help but see her injuries. I was able to see a deep cut on her left shoulder. There was some blood but not enough to make me call the nurse.

"Well, if you insist, then I cannot argue.. Just upsetting this happened before I could properly show you around the Gallows."

"Don't be mad, Kid. I'll try my best to come back so you can show me around your mansion."

I held onto (Y/n)'s gloved hand and gripped it tightly. As I was resting my head on her own, tears were rolling down my cheeks. "I should've gone with you.. I felt that something was going to happen.. I should've protected you.. I'm so sorry.."


I was unable to focus in class as I kept thinking about (Y/n) and wanting to go see her. My leg was shaking from how anxious I was.

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