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Three days later Evlyn was ringing the electronic bell to the large home she would be working up for the foreseeable future. A really, really handsome man opened the doors with a big bright smile taking up half of his face

"Hi, hello, I'm Evlyn your new maid" she extended her hand to him, and he took it

"Nice to meet you Evlyn, come in please" he released her hand and closed the tall door behind them "Marie tells me you're new to the agency, so that makes us your first employers, right?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Jung"

"I'd much rather you can me by my first name, Hoseok"

"Okay Hoseok"

"Let me give you the tour" Evlyn followed behind the tall, slim man taking mental notes of every room they stopped in as he explained her expected job duties "Any questions so far?"

"Just one, will I be meeting your wife today? Marie said I would be working for a couple" Hoseok couldn't help but laugh confusing the poor girl as she couldn't figure out what she said that was funny.

"Sorry sweetie, my fiancé is male. His name is Park Jimin"

"Oh, I am so sorry I didn't know. I just assumed- I apologize if I offended you" she bowed deeply while chanting apologies

"It's okay, I'm not offended at all please don't beat yourself up over it. Jimin is a unisex name and lots of people assume he's a she if they don't meet us together. No harm done" Evlyn simply nodded and mentally scolded herself.

After the tour of the house he led her to the dining room and offered her a snack and a beverage.

"Thank you very much Hoseok for taking a chance on me, most people probably would have wanted someone with experience"

"You can't get experience if no one ever gives you a chance so I'm more than happy to help you while you help us out"

"That's true. Will I meet Mr. Park today?"

"No he's out of town for work until next week. He's a model"

"Wow, he must be really handsome too" she said after taking a sip of tea

"Too? So you think I'm handsome" the flustered maid nearly choked as she took a bite of the apple pastry "Oh god are you alright?" He jumped up help but she held up a finger and beat her chest to in an attempt to clear the passage

"Sorry, I am not making a good first impression"

"That one was on me, I shouldn't tease you after just meeting you but you're adorable and so easily flustered. Are you okay, seriously?"

"Yes I'm fine, thank you. So I guess we should get down to business since I've toured the house"

"Guess so. Are you aware this is a live-in position?"

"I wasn't" she furrowed her eyebrows

"Will that be a problem?" Hoseok inquired watching her as she thought. Truthfully, Evlyn didn't mind it at all. She'd be living in a gorgeous home in a secluded neighborhood, she would be MUCH better off than she is currently

"No not at all actually, it'll cut down on travel time" she giggled

"Good. Next, you'll be paid weekly with full benefits starting immediately. I typically work from home but occasionally I go into the office. Jimin's schedule is chaotic and unpredictable sometimes so he may be gone for weeks at a time then he'll be home for three months straight. We tend to entertain a few times a month when he is here so I'll give a heads up for planned events"

"Understood. Is there any room or area of the house that is off limits to me?"

"Not really, I guess it would be our dance studio in the basement that rarely ever needs attention because we typically clean it ourselves so it'll be a rare request if we ask you to clean it"

"You both dance? Evlyn asked with a dreamy smile "That's so cool"

"Yeah Jimin does contemporary and ballroom and I love hip hop" Hoseok replied, dancing silly making her laugh before sitting down again. "Okay Evlyn back to business. These are the questions Jimin wanted me to ask you, Without getting too personal or going into too many details do you have any ailments, disorders, or diseases that would affect your daily work?"

"No sir"

"Do you have any family members or friends that would like to visit you?"

"No sir"

"Do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend or any variation of a significant other?"

"No sir"

"Do you use contraception or take birth con- what the hell!" Hoseok read the question silently furrowing his eyebrows as he did so. "Evlyn I'm so sorry I'm not sure why he'd would ask such a thing, I should have proofread this first"

Evlyn didn't know what to say so she just nodded watching as Hoseok read the remainder of the questions to himself before speaking out loud again

"I apologize for that, I'll have to talk with him later. I hope that didn't make you want to quit already"

"No, I won't hold it against you. It's alright" Evlyn gave him a reassuring smile and clapped her hands "When would you like me to start?"

"How soon can you get moved in?"

"This weekend if that's fine, I was planning on moving out of my apartment soon anyway so I don't have much to bring with me"

"Sounds good to me. Let me show you to your room and get you the entry code for the house. I'll also get you a copy of our schedules, dietary preferences and other necessary stuff you'll need to know"

"Okay, thank you again for this opportunity"

Hoseok showed Evlyn to her room and it was hard for her to keep her jaw from hitting the floor. The bedroom with lounge area and attached bathroom was almost the size of her current apartment, and was decorated simply with white linens and pretty artwork hung up on the walls. She even had a small balcony to enjoy during the warm months.

"So that is everything I can think of right now, I know it's a lot to take it right now but once you're moved in and settled just wander around until you get familiar with the house"

"Great, well I'm going to head back home now and get started on packing up my things"

"Sound good, I'll have our driver take you and he'll give you his card. Just give him a call when you're ready to move and he'll come to help you"

"Awesome, thank you. I'll see you soon Hoseok" he walked her to the door with a promise to email her everything she'd need.

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