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The first week started off rocky for Evlyn, she had not done so much physical labor in years and her body was certainly reminding her of that. Every night she went to bed completely exhausted, falling asleep the moment she touched the sheets. Fortunately Hoseok nor Jimin were too demanding of her but Jimin did like to tease and get her flustered. She was quickly getting used to them, their needs and wants so each day was a little easier than the one before.

The second week she had started falling into a routine, even though Jimin was home he still was coming and going pretty often for his local jobs. Hoseok had spent a few days in his office but like he told her in the beginning he worked from home most of the time. Evlyn was holding on to her resolve of being the perfect maid, she kept the conversations minimal but remained polite as she worked diligently.

By the third week she was comfortable moving around the house. Knowing what to clean and how often, thankfully both Jimin and Hoseok were creatures of habit for the most part so that made it easier for Evlyn seeing as how she only needed to clean or tidy up about 20% of the house daily. She had almost memorized the standard grocery list and their favorite dishes to eat.

The fourth week was by far the easiest, things were becoming second nature and she didn't feel as tired or worn down as she did at the start. Both men seemed to be pleased with her work and were more than generous with her salary. By the end of next month Evlyn will have saved enough to finish paying off her maxed out credit cards, pay back the money she borrowed from her former friend Rina and buy a new laptop to treat herself.

Although this wasn't the job she pictured doing she was grateful for it and it wasn't as bad as she imagined it would be. Evlyn had just returned from the supermarket and was putting up the items when the ever flirtatious Jimin popped in

"Helloooo nurse!" He sang seeing her bent over the bottom shelves of the fridge

"Hello Jimin," she stood and faced him to give a bow before getting back to stocking the fridge.

"You don't have to cook tonight. We're having a few friends over and will order out, probably pizza or chicken"

"Good thing I picked up some beer then. Will you need me tonight?"

"I need you every night" he smirked, making her roll her eyes "No, we won't. You've got the night off so go paint the town"

"Thanks but I'm going to stay in"

"Well you can hang out with us then" he suggested

"Hm that 's probably not a good idea"

"Why not, you're not doing anything else" Hoseok asked entering the kitchen "I told you I want us to be friends"

"Are you both going to keep pestering me until I cave in?" Both men nodded with goofy grins on their faces "Fine"

"Yay we win. Get comfortable and be ready to drink!" Jimin cheered. He ruffled Evlyn's hair before bouncing out the kitchen leaving her with scowl

"It'll be fun, I promise" Hoseok grinned while fixing her hair then left her to finish up work. Evlyn sighed while putting away the last item.

Maybe I'm overthinking this whole thing, they're both nice and if they want to be my friend I should let them, right? Not like I've got my pick of the litter in that department. I already live in their house and work as their personal maid. I don't plan to quit and I don't think I've given them cause to fire me. Hopefully it won't be too awkward


Evlyn answered the door to see a tall, gorgeous man with platinum blonde hair, full lips, and deep dimples with a pretty brunette girl on his arm. Behind him and to the left were two beautiful dark haired men with an equally pretty girl between them. Her mouth hung open as she stared at the unrealistically beautiful people before her

"Is she broken?" One of dark haired men asked, his big eyes looking over the speechless woman in the way

"Excuse me, can we come in?" The tall blonde asked with a killer smile. Evlyn's mouth snapped closed as she looked away embarrassed and stepped aside to let everyone in

"I'm sorry," she bowed "Please come in"

"It's okay beautiful, what's your name?" The second dark haired man spoke up, his voice a stark contrast than his look. It was so deep.

"Ev-Evlyn" she breathed, barely. Everyone slipped off their shoes "Hoseok and Jimin are in the living room, follow me please"

She led the group to the hosts and watched as they all greeted each other. Jimin grabbed her hand, pulling her beside him making everyone look up at her

"Everyone this is our new maid Evlyn, Evlyn these are our friends. The tall handsome blonde is Namjoon and his gorgeous girl Minah, the one with the ponytail is Jungkook, that sexy beast in the corner is Taehyung and the beauty with them is Gabby"

"What agency are you from?" Minah asked from Namjoon's lap

"Uhh Premier Services" She answered feeling nervous to be around such good looking people

"Oh, so you're like, a real maid" she nodded. Jimin took a seat on Hoseok's lap and pulled Evlyn down next to them

"How long have you been working for these clowns?" Namjoon asked pointing to the couple with his chin

"A month"

"Aww she is so cute" Gabby squealed "Are you shy, beautiful?"

"I-I guess so" normally Evlyn was okay meeting new people but these people were so gorgeous, obviously rich and famous. She recognized both Jungkook and Taehyung immediately. Maybe she could be starstruck.

"She just has to warm up to you first" Hoseok said rubbing Jimin's thigh "Are you guys hungry?"

"We actually just came from dinner, didn't know you guys had new help now so we didn't know if you had food"

"Well I'm starving so I guess I'll order some pizza" Jimin said, pulling out his phone

"If you're hungry I can cook you both something, it won't take long" Evlyn offered, needing an excuse to make an exit

"No ma'am we gave you the night off so relax, I'm ordering pizza what do you want on yours?"

"Pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, green peppers, spinach and extra cheese"

"Ooh that sounds good, get that in extra large so we can share!" Hoseok chimed bouncing his legs in excitement "And get our usual too"

"Anything for my baby"

"Thank you daddy" They shared a quick kiss making Evlyn's heart flutter a little, she thought they were cute together.

"Y'all are so damn gay" Jungkook teased while cuddling with Gabby

"Yah! So are you!" Jimin fussed from his fiancé's lap "We all are" he added with a gut busting laugh making him nearly fall over.

"All of you?" Evlyn asked looking around the room full of pretty people

"Bi and pan to be exact but yes we all are attracted to and enjoy sex with people of the same and opposite sex" Namjoon explained

Interesting, I wonder if these are the "friends" Hoseok told me about. Has to be.

"What about you?" Taehyung asked and once again all eyes were on Evlyn

The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅Where stories live. Discover now