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     I woke up staring at my bedroom ceiling what the hell...? What happened...I looked at my chest and remember Ezra's glowing eyes...

Davina!? It's ok your alright...
What happened...?
You were covered in blood and you passed out by the door your mom called one of her doctor friends to check on you. We cleaned you up but there was nothing wrong with you. The doctor said you had a bad nose bleed and that your blood pressure was low so he gave you an injection and said you'd be fine.

A nose bleed...? I closed my eyes and remember Ezra's eyes his hand reaching for my necklace and him stabbing me with something...

Are you alright?
I'm long was I out for?
Since yesterday the doctor gave you an injection that would help you sleep.
What time is it?
4 in the afternoon and don't even think about getting up ok?

He kissed the top of my head and I watched him and he headed downstairs. I grabbed my phone from my dresser and saw 3 missed calls and 50 unread messages.

*Your dad said you were sick what's going on!?*
*Davina! Answer your phone!*
*Davina text me so I know your alive! *
*I swear to god answer your phone!*
*Noah I'm alive I'm ok I got a really bad nose bleed and I stayed home today.I promise I will keep you posted for now stay out of trouble.*

     He sent me a thumbs up like an idiot I hope he doesn't get into a fight. I covered my face with my blanket watching Facebook videos.

Hey love bug I know your awake.
Yeah what's up dad?
Your mom and I thought you might want to have your birthday present early if your up for it?
Sure dad what is it?

Dad smiles opening my door in comes in this black little hair ball jumping on my bed.

     Oh my goodness you're so cute!         We figured you'd like something to come home to

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Oh my goodness you're so cute!
We figured you'd like something to come home to.
I love it! I think I'll name you hades.
After the god of the underworld?
Haha alright I'll be downstairs helping your mom with lunch ok?
Ok thanks dad. Hi handsome oh your so cute.

* Alaric's POV*

     I made my way downstairs to find Lilian cutting vegetables with her eyes filled with water.

        I can't keep doing this...
     Lilian you know we have no choice.
        She's our daughter!
     I know that you know that and so does Davina I asked for a transfer we can leave first thing in the morning we can move far away where they won't find us.
        Her life is here her friends everything is here.
     If we stay we'll lose her forever...

She wrapped her arms around me squeezing me her tears hit my like matter how hard it is we have no choice...

* Davina's POV *

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