Chapter 1

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My eyes softly flutter open by the sound of the birds chirping. The most lovely sound I have ever heard in my life. It is gifted to me each morning. I let out a sigh as I sit up on the bed. The sun has not yet shown herself on the sky which means it is the perfect day to wake up. I stand up from the bed and allow my nightgown to fall down to the ground after having gone all over the place during the night. Never have I been the one that stays still in the night.

I walk towards the window and let out a sad sight as I stare out into the world that I would love to step into. As I stand there I find my senses trying to help me. Wanting nothing more than to take me out into the world so that I am able to see if for myself. To be out there and to live the life that I have always wanted to have. "Darling, have you woken?" My mother's voice rings out by the door of my bed chambers. I smile to myself. "Yes mother, I shall be out in a minute" I tell her.

She doesn't answer me and neither does she need to. I walk over to my closet and take out my gown. It is the simplest black gown. I have owned it for two years and while it has aged along with myself, I find that it is the better gown that I own. Most of the other gowns are expected to have corsets and I cannot wear one. Not breathing goes against nature itself and as a Witch, it is my duty to keep the world balanced. By doing so I stay alive.

I undress myself out of the nightgown and dress into the black gown. It has sleeves that have faint gold thread in them. I do not believe it to be real gold, yet I do not care for that. It simply does look pretty to the eye and that is what matters to me. Once I have dressed I brush my hair. The wavy curls that my dark brown hair has are not that special and are constantly in my way and I do not like it. My mother denies me to cut my hair. My hair reaches down to my knees and I do not like it.

When I was a child I asked why I was not allowed to cut my hair. My mother responded only by lecturing me once again why the world is a dangerous place. Said that people would want to take me away and cut away my power in any way they can. Every part inside me is filled with magic, beyond anything anyone can understand. Even I do not understand it. She used to tell me that a single strand of my hair has more magical properties than anyone can ever know.

When I am prepared I walk out of my chambers and to the kitchen where my mother is making breakfast. "Your lesson will be earlier this morning. I will have to fetch more herbs for my potions" My mother tells me. "Of course" I tell her. She gestures for me to sit by the table and I do. "Breakfast smells delicious, mother" I tell her. She smiles at me and I can see her face light up with joy when she hears that. "I thought so" She says. My mother takes great pride with her cooking as she does not know much about it.

I have heard the story about a million times. The story of how my mother is a Noble born woman and took me away when she heard that they had planned my slaughter. She did not grow up cooking and had servants waiting on her hand and foot like all Noble women. All that my mother knows now is all that she has taught herself. There have been times that we got sick for she blended something with the wrong something, and it was not meant to be eaten, or she did not cook a certain meat long enough.

We are Witches, and we naturally are able to survive diseases that humans can not. "What herbs will you be looking for?" I ask her. She eyes me carefully, but I do not show her why I wish to know. If she did, then she would lecture me again. The lectures are always the same and how I cannot leave the tower we live. The only home I have ever known, and I am safe only if I am here. "I will be looking for rosemary and the black rose. It shall only take to the end of the day to find" She tells me.

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