011. Turning Tides

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turning tides.
( paper crane no. 803. )


A shrilled voice laced with pure desperation of the highest degree echoed through the stone hallways of the castle, the soundwaves infiltrating every open space until they reached the Great Hall, causing the few students who littered the room to glance at the doors in confusion - Mint among them.

Originally, the room had been silent, save for the occasional light clinking of cutlery and ruffling of parchment paper, the atmosphere was pleasantly amicable. Every now and then, a lone student would mutedly stroll in, taking notice of the gentle quietness and obediently adapting to the likeliness of everyone around them, going on with their own business at their respective table as everyone else minded theirs. Throughout the tranquillity, if anyone glanced in the blonde's direction, she would grant them a polite smile, before going back to her book, not obliged to owe them any more than that.

As the impatient cries came to a halt - perhaps, by another external factor growing sick of the shouting - the ambience of serenity soothed itself back into the cracks caused by the sudden commotion, filling them up until the surface lay smooth again, the events of the last minute feeling like nothing but a dazed dream. Hesitantly, with a few cautious glances in the direction of the open doors, the students settled back into their safety net of stillness, and Mint nestled her mind back into her book. She was not about to let a bunch of adolescent dimwits ruin her time to read.

A few moments passed before the screaming started again. But, this time, it was nearer, and louder - the fleeting minutes that had passed allowed the infiltrator the advantage of advancement. For a second, Mint swore she recognised the voice, yet it escaped her before she could ponder on who she knew it from. It would come to her with time, especially if the person was heading her way and by chance passed - or even entered - the Great Hall.

"Psst," a voice hissed, causing the glass wall that was Mint's concentration to shatter, the tiny shards scattering and bouncing on an invisible floor before disappearing into the dark void. She lifted her head to meet the eyes of another Ravenclaw down the table, who was stretching himself as far as he could to get closer to her without actually lifting his bottom off the bench. She gave him a questioning look. "What's that noise?" Like she had an idea.

Stating the obvious, she whispered back, "Sounds like shouting."

Stunned, the boy blinked, as if he hadn't expected such a blunt answer. Well, that's what he got for asking such a stupid question. Shaking his head, he motioned to the doors with his head, "Aren't you gonna go have a look?"

Now it was Mint's turn to be dumbfounded. With eyeballs bulging, she pointed to herself, digging into her chest with a blunt finger, "Me? Wha- I- wha- why would I go and look?" She spluttered, splitting her gaze between the boy and the doors. "Why don't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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