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After spending a romantic and passionate morning with each other, Rey and Taani were lost in their own blissful world, unknown to the events around them.! Rey and Taani started waiting eagerly for their wedding, every passing minute was becoming unbearable for the duo, all they wanted was to be in each others arms. It was a very peaceful evening when Taani was reliving all the memories of her room , the time she spent here with her Rey and with her family for the last tim with a huge smile adorning her lips. Though in his thoughts, she still missed Rey terribly wanting to be with him. The loud ring of her phone brought her back, expecting that it was Rey's phone Taani sprinted towards it to grab it. Without looking at the number, she hurriedly picked up the phone and answered in a excited voice.

"Reyy.!! Thank God you called..I was thinking about you.! I was missing you so much .! You seem to have totally forgotten me." she cutely pouted.

The dead silence started scaring her, while the person on the other side was seething with anger. Frustrated, he broke the vase lying next to him. The crash shot a shiver through Taani's entire body, making her thoughts go all the wrong places. Reflexively, she at once clutched the locket which Rey gave her.

"Rey.???... Reyy.??" she called out, not getting any response, she held back the phone taking a glance at the number. Fear shook her realizing it wasn't Rey's number, she slowly held the phone back to her ear.

"Hello.?? this. ??" she spoke meekly.

"Taani.! Surprise Surprise.! So you are missing Rey huh.?? What a shame.!" the person spoke dangerously. The moment, the voice reached Taani's ears, she collapsed on the bed out of fear. She held the locket even more tightly making the metal almost pierce her soft skin. Sensing Taani's condition, the person let out an evil laugh, scaring Taani to no limits.

"Taani.! I thought you always took me seriously. But I was terribly wrong, you are so brave that despite my repeated warnings, you chose to ignore me.! And now, to make situations worse, you are marrying Reyansh Singhania.?? Looks like you don't love him enough, that's why you don't care whether that b****** lives or dies.?" he roared on the phone. Taani , who was all numb with the persons threatening voice, came out of the shell hearing the word death associated with her life, her Rey.!

"JUST SHUT UP.! I have had enough of your nonsense. Yes I am not scared of you, because I have Rey Rey with me.! He loves me and I love him more than anything. Dare you touch him.! Whatever you want it is, it can never happen.! And don't you dare take his name from your filthy mouth.!" Taani screamed on the phone, making the caller laugh even more devilishly, breaking the teensy bit of courage Taani had managed to gather. She shivered hearing him laugh dangerously.

"Taani.! Screaming or cursing me won't help you..nor that b****** Rey.! Well, now that you have asked for it, let me show you what I can do.! Brace yourself to face your worst fears." he smirked and disconnected the call leaving Taani on the verge of a breakdown.

"Hello.?? Hello..?? HELLO.??" Taani started sobbing Into the dead call. Receiving no response, she sank to the floor with the locket tightly clutched in her hand. Though she was Always strong, but one thing that could make and break her was her Rey.! After minutes of sobbing she gathered herself up consoling herself that nothing can harm her life.! She dialed his number , wanting to speak to him urgently but got frustrated when sometimes his number would be out of range, or he would not answer it.

"Damn it.! Why isn't Rey answering his phone.!?" she sneered frustrated. After repeated efforts and not getting through, Taani dialed SC (Singhania Company) where she was informed that Rey was away for a meeting and won't come back to SC.! Defeated, she decided to go to KM to meet him directly whenever he comes back.! She sprinted down the stairs, taking everyone by surprise and left without answering leaving everyone behind worried. She barfed into KM calling out for Rey, getting no response she screamed his name and dropped down to the floor sobbing. Seeing her vulnerable state, Rey's Dad was shocked to her cores.! She instantly hugged Rey caressing her hair.

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