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EVER SINCE YOU WERE BOUGHT by the Kara, you had learnt that sticking your nose in places where it don't belong was a big no-no— that was if you valued your life

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EVER SINCE YOU WERE BOUGHT by the Kara, you had learnt that sticking your nose in places where it don't belong was a big no-no— that was if you valued your life. Have it be from sneaking out your room when unauthorised, to asking too many questions, the punishments that followed soon after made it clear to you that these people held secrets that were worth more than your eight year old mind could comprehend. 

They were cruel about it too. They didn't bother lecturing you about your wrongs with the slight slap of the wrist- they resorted to violence most of the time. Delta was especially fond of beating you around the curb, perhaps it was her way of venting out her own vendetta against the world. But it was clear at the end of the day that you were nothing more than an annoying tool that they had to babysit.

And it was because of that isolation and hatred, your heart ached with longing as you rested on your bed. Jigen didn't bother providing you with your own room, so he had you sleep in Amados office on one of the hospital beds that you healed patients on-That way you were constantly monitored and free to use.

'...Just like a chakra dispenser.' You thought with a snarl.

Your bubbling anger quickly faded however, once you felt a headache coming. After spending the entire day healing patients, your body ached with soreness. It was a bittersweet feeling, really. The pain reminded you that you were, infact, still alive. But it was debatable wether or not that was a good thing. Could you truly call this being alive?

'I can't keep going on like this...' You felt a sob crawling it's way up your throat, and you buried your face in the thin covers of your bed in response. The sheets reeked with the smell of antibiotics and pills, but you were numb to it at this point.

'I have to try and find a way out... I'll be dead before I'm twenty if this keeps going on- but how? The only time I can leave this room is if Victor or Jigen needs me, and other than that, I'm stuck here rotting away.' Your mind raced with thoughts. You had to try and outsmart them somehow, but it sounded stupid the more you thought about it. How could a measly eight year old escape from a high-security, cult-like organisation? You only knew your times tables at this point, and even then you were a bit shabby.

That was when you remembered the vessel. Kawaki, the boy who you spent hours trying to heal. He had the worst chakra balance you've seen in all your days- It was a miracle that you even got him at a sable condition. But with the assistance of Amado and the medial equipment, you were able to save his body from the decay. That karma mark, whatever it's purpose was, threw Kawakis chakra regulation in a loop.

Could he possibly be the key to your escape? That frail, malnourished boy? You weren't sure. But you were sure that his influence over Jigens behaviour could be exploited. You just needed a little bit of help, and the right connections to do so.

You had made your mind up. Wiping the tears that were forming in the corner of your eyes, you got up from your bed. The floor was so cold that you could feel it through your flimsy slippers, but you still patted your hospital gown down and resumed waking. The CCTV camera traced your movement as you walked up to Amados desk. There, held your lunch. It was a simple serving of mash potatoes and peas along with a glass of water.

It disgusted you looking at it. It was the fourth time this week you were served mash and you were growing sick. That was why you were avoiding it a moment ago, but now you had a reason to even touch it.

You grabbed the plate and began picking at the food. As much as you didn't want to eat it, you reluctantly scooped a serving with a spoon and started eating. Your attention looked to be on the food through the CCTV, but in all reality, your eyes were scanning the documents and objects kept on Amados desk.

Amado was rarely seen away from his office, which is why he was comfortable with keeping fresh documents on his desk. Only after a meeting with Jigen, would he digitalise the results and dispose of the evidence. Amado trusted that you wouldn't be stupid enough to mess with them because the last time you did, the CCTV captured everything. You had a lot of explaining to do after that, and you had learn your lesson.

So you carefully skimmed the first page of the paper. From what you could tell, it was about Kawaki and all of the future testing he was about to go through. 'Cell mutation...they're going to turn him into a scientific ninja tool?' You felt your stomach turn with unease, not because of the gross goo that was served to you, but because of the image that you got from that.

'They're crazy! This could alter his entire being...' You kept your face straight, even with the horror you felt 'He has a meeting with Amado next week, and one with Victor next month. There's no openings from what I can see except for Victor.' You often visited Victor to help with his developments in the land of valleys. Coincidentally, you and Kawaki had a meeting with him on the same day. You presumed it was to help Victor with the experiments he was going to do to the boy.

'Other than that...the next opening is in a couple of years. They're going to transport Kawaki somewhere once he's at the last stages of preparation' You couldn't read anymore because the page had come to its end, along with your mash and peas. You placed the plate down for collection and took one last sip of the water.

You needed more intel on the transportation, and something told you that Victor had the answers you needed. It was your only shot at escaping, and that old man just so happened to be the one running the operation.

You returned to your bed like normal and buried yourself within the covers. You looked to be sleeping, but you were really planning everything out in your mind. Kawaki as you know it, is at the first stage of the Karma corruption. In a year he would be stable enough to be trained into honing the mark, and by the time he's ready to be transported, you would be thirteen. It was going to be a long, gruelling wait but it was worth it. The hardest of challenges reap the greatest rewards.

You were going to be free in five years, let's just hope your body manages to keep up with this abuse.

You were going to be free in five years, let's just hope your body manages to keep up with this abuse

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