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KAWAKI WAS SURPRISINGLY WARM. In all your years of captivity, the cold always seemed to outweigh the warmth; that's how life was in the laboratory. So to have someone not feel cold to the touch was nice- it made you forget about hospitals. And you liked that, you liked it a lot.

But it was weird. You were smudged to the side of the cramped container, practically breathing on the poor boy as you waited patiently for the airship to reach its destination.  Nothing was comfortable here, and quite frankly, you were embarrassed. Victor promised that it would be a two hour ride, and that seemed decent enough until realising that you'd be stuck basically hugging Kawaki for the entire ride. Lord knows what would happen if he woke up in the middle of this too.

You shook your head, cringing at the thought of such an awkward encounter. Like, what were you going to say? 'Hey Kawaki! You're the guy that I've always wondered about as a child- you're a tool to the Kara like me so we're basically best friends!...why am I hugging your arm? Haha..beats me-' Yeah, that didn't sound like a great introduction at all.

There was some good to this though. As your eyes finally adjusted to the dark, you could finally see the boy and his new appearance. You were surprised to say the least. Kawakis once boyish features had faded completely, leaving behind the look of a matured teen. His raven black hair was still as frizzy as ever with the same blonde locks to the side. Two silver piercings hung from his right eyebrow as a Roman numeral was tattooed below his eye. It reminded you of the other Kara inners; they too had their own Roman numeral. His however was of a ten, and it interested you greatly.

Other than that, Kawaki had grown to be a fine young man. He was certainly tall and slender in the right places, and stylish in the clothes he chose to wear; a blue trench coat and dark green vest. It made you selfconscious about your own clothing; a black hospital gown. You felt your arm rub against his and found that he was certainly packing too. Overall, Kawaki looked like a fighter, someone so different from your original impression of him. But then again, he did undergo serious training.

You grimaced, remembering the day you had to heal the person who had a fight with him. Kawaki had the ability to do it, but even now he was too young to possibly cause such damage alone. You spared him a glance. Now that you really looked at the boy and his chiselled face, he really did look capable of harm, even as he slept with a peaceful look dawning his face. Kawakis soft breathing contrasted with your paced ones- and now it was growing obvious. Did you feel scared of him?

You sunk a little closer to him, your legs now touching his. No, not really. He was the same hurt boy like you- the same victim of a horrible organisation. Sure, you doubted he'd want anything to do with you but those feelings of yearning slowly crept back into your heart. Was there a chance you could be friends if things were different?

Probably. But things weren't different. As you spoke, the airship was slowly creeping towards a different route, and eventually you'd be separated from him. You were going to be free whilst he stayed in captivity. Yes it was wrong, but after all these years of solitude, you had grown used to stepping on others to get further ahead.

Suddenly, the airship rumbled violently. It wasn't the same rumbling as it was when it set sail, it was more violent- like another ship had hit it or something. You found yourself smacking into Kawaki at the next vicious rumble, and though you wanted to retaliate now that your face was buried into his chest, you were too busy being slammed into the walls of the container.

What was happening out there!? Was this ship crashing!? Your mind spun in circles. You must've hit your head back because everything was going dark. With shaky hands you pried yourself off Kawaki, but before you could fully get up from the boy, that was when an even larger force threw you forward.

The airship must've finally hit the ground, because it sent you flying into the wall, effectively knocking you out cold.

The airship must've finally hit the ground, because it sent you flying into the wall, effectively knocking you out cold

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