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A YEAR HAD PASSED, four more to go

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A YEAR HAD PASSED, four more to go.

Though your mind had ripened quite a bit from your first year of planning, you were still but a child. You still mispronounced some of your words, stumbled when running too fast, and like the child you were, you made mistakes.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE DEAD!?" A shrill scream echoed across the medical ward, it was sharp and painful, but not as painful as the rough slap that followed soon after.

Delta sent your frail self tumbling across the room, crashing into Amados hard wooden desk like a worthless rag doll. Documents that were once neatly stacked on the countertop cascaded to the floor, leaving you bruised and covered head-to-toe in paper. You winced, feeling the soft prickles of bruises starting to bloom.

"You had one job and that was to transplant his chakra into my eyes!" The fierce blonde trotted up to you with her pearly white heels. The clashing of them against the cold marble floor snapped you from your dizzy trance. You didn't have enough time to react however, for she grabbed you by the collar and pulled you up from the ground. Your feet dangled in the air as you desperately tired to pry yourself free, but Deltas grip remained solid around your gown.

She was mad, no, furious. "I should just kill you right now- maybe then something will be done around here!" Her claw-like nails dug into your collar "Heh, I bet you wanted this to happen. That's right, you're a worthless traitor who wanted the operation to fail!"

Deltas pink eyes bore into your glossy (E/C) ones. You had never seen such hatred in them before. "You didn't want me to have that mans power, I bet that's it!" Delta threw you to the ground, enraged. She was so committed to her own ignorant views that she didn't even let you explain what had went wrong, instead, all that you managed to let out was a pathetic yelp of pain as your back crashed against the floor.

Everything felt so cold, yet the scrapes and bruises that littered your arm remained warm. Tears prickled at the sides of your eyes, but you tried to hold them back, remain calm and collected, but her abuse was too much. This woman truly was crazy.

"I'm sorry..." You croaked out a weak whisper. The apology came out quieter than you originally wanted it to, but the lump in your throat seemed to silence it.

"What was that, vermin?" Delta snapped back. That alone sent a gush of adrenaline your way.

"I- he- it's not my fault!" Now on your hands and knees, you pleaded for your innocence "You sent him in such a bad condition! His body was too damaged to undergo such a draining procedure such as chakra transplant- I told Amado this but he said that you were adamant to get it do-"

"I DONT CARE!" Suddenly, your back was pinned against the wall. Trapped in her clutches, above you were the spiteful eyes of the woman who desperately wanted you dead. Delta trained her gaze onto your trembling form and drank up your fear with a sick kind of pleasure

"Your entire purpose is to share chakra. You have a shit ton of it which is why you specialise in healing." She snarled "Then why in the world did you not share your chakra with him? It would have certainly kept him alive!"

"B-because..." Tears that you tried so desperately to hide began to stream down your face freely now. "...b-because I didn't have e-enough chakra!" You sobbed hysterically into your hands, trying to keep how truly broken you were hidden under the protection of your nimble fingers.

"I-I've been worked t-to the b-bone! My body can't k-keep up with this much chakra sharing!" It was true. This past week had been one of your roughest. Delta needed upgrades, Victor wanted repairs done to his tools and all of that costed a stable chakra source. You were that chakra source, but your body was fatigued- it couldn't handle the amount of labour put on your shoulders.

So you cried, you cried in such a pathetic way that Delta felt gross being so close to you. She never understood the fragility of children and quite frankly she hated it. Lucky for you, the stress you showed convinced her that you indeed, did not mean for this to happen; that the man who she wished to use for upgrading her eyes wasn't killed intentionally. That didn't mean she forgave you, she wanted that mans ability to sense long-ranged chakra points, but she understood that there was nothing else she could do about it anymore.

So she left. Delta opened the door to the medical ward and left. You were left alone to cry your sorrows away, which you were grateful for. It was embarrassing enough that she had to see you crumble in front of her like that so all you needed now was some alone-time.

It was hard trying to keep up with all that was expected of you. It was a cruel game which ultimately left you the looser every single time. You wanted to stop playing, but found yourself bound to the gameboard that was your schedule. There were only four more years of this to go- 365 days each. The number in itself wasn't motivating , so you tried to break it down into small-easy to digestible weeks.

Just 260 gruelling weeks to go.

Just 260 gruelling weeks to go

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