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Boruto, Mitsuki and Sarada all watched with collective horror as the clearing in the middle of the forest excreted fumes. It smelt like burning- some of metal and some of plastic. Trees that once stood tall were broken and a skewed, showing their roots, as a large airship laid crumpled on the ground. It was the source of the smoke which was concerning enough but what really caught the genins attention was the crater in the centre of it all. Broken robots surrounded it, and from what the kids could see, two people laid motionless in the middle. If it weren't for Mitsuki, Boruto and his team would've walked straight pass the crater and for that he was grateful.

"Approach carefully everyone, I'll take the lead" Konohamaru, the leader of the team, stepped forward. He had heard from meetings with the Seventh Hokage that there was a report of a crashed airship- one that was unidentifiable and supposed to be treated with caution. So he did, granted he was a bit frustrated that his team had to get involved (this job being meant for Jonins and all) but he believed in their abilities to protect themselves. The fight with Ao proved worthy of that.

"I'm sensing an odd chakra between the two...sensei are you sure this is safe?" Sarada was one of the firsts to approach the two, but she held her concerns nevertheless. Her sharingan didn't like the the large amount of chakra emanating from the girl, and the unsettling vibe the boys one gave off either.

"There has been reports of an airship crashing from Lord Hokage, a team has been dispatched but it will take time for them to get here. It would be more effective if we help out." Konohamaru turned to Boruto, who was leaning on Mitsuki for support "Boruto, is your arm feeling any better?"

Boruto nodded, flexing it a little "Yeah, the pain is starting to fade..."

After the encounter with the Kara member who nearly killed his sensei, Borutos arm had undergone a weird transformation. The diamond mark he had got from the fight with Momoshiki had suddenly activated, allowing him to absorb the flames that Konohamaru was engulfed with as if it was nothing. They all didn't know what to think- even the professor who was next to him. Boruto had never really forgiven him for what he manipulated him to do in the Chunin exams, but he endured his presence nevertheless.

Mitsuki joined Saradas side, taking a good look at the two people. One was a girl dressed in a hospital gown of sorts. She looked malnourished and frail, and her hair was wild and untamed. She wasn't nearly as hurt as the boy next to her though. He was taller, had black and blonde hair and was scratched up. Mitsuki after looking around, came to the conclusion that his injuries were from being in a fight with the robots. It made sense, but what didn't was the same diamond mark on his left hand. Boruto had noticed it too, and his eyes were plastered wide.

"Hey...isn't that the same mark I have?" Boruto took a step forward, as if wanting to see if his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. But that proved to be a mistake as the professor also decided to take a look closer. He wasn't as discreet, and neither was the rest of his team. And before they all knew it, the mystery boy had stirred awake. "H-he's waking up!"

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