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^ Tia

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^ Tia

3rd POV

Prezley was sitting on a stool at the table in Evies house, with Tia beside her. Both girls eating a pice of cake, but hide it when Carlos came charging downstairs. "Whoo! Morning, got the beach towels"

"I really think she's gonna like the cake you guys," Jay said walking into the kitchen. Tia and Presley looked at each other getting up up off their stools, quietly trying to walk away before Carlos noticed.

"Oh, no. Okay! Who got into Jane's cake?" Carlos yelled.

"RUN!" Prezley and Tia yelled running out of the room.

"Okay Tia. Your bathing suit is packed in you bag, I have mine on under my outfit. You got spot. And I have the present! Perfect we are " but Prezley didn't finish her sentence when she heard commotion coming from outside. "Tia you stay here." Prezley then ran to the door following Jay and Carlos with Evie behind her.

When the group of teens burst out the door they saw Audrey dressed up kinda like a VK. "So long suckers." She said before disappearing.

Jay went to grab Mal's hands but stoped "woah ah, oh. You might want to think of a spell for that." He said referring to her old hag looking appearance. "There's no spell the can reverse the curse of the scepter."

"Well, that's a shame." Carlos and Prezley muttered. "Forget about me. Audreys out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger." Old Mal tells the group.

"What should we do?" Evie asked Mal. "The only thing more powerful than the scepter ... is Hades ember."

"Oh, like he's just gonna hand it over after you blew him back to the isle." Jay said. "And no one knows where his lair is."

"I do!" Celia interrupted, making us turn our attention to her. "I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's."

"You're coming." Mal stated. "But I just got here." Celia whined. "To bad kid." Prezley told her.

"Mal?" Dizzy asked walking into the yard with the twins and Tia following her. Then all four of them screamed. Tia ran towards Prezley. The brunette picking up the scared girl.

"Prez?!" Ryland yelled running into the yard. "Mal? What happened?"

"Audrey." Carlos and Prezley said at the same time. "Ry, the VKS and I are going to the Isle to try and fix this. I need you to take care of Tia. And DON'T let her get get hurt."

"Okay girls! Let's get rotten." Evie said grabbing Prezley and Mal's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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