Last × Be With You

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Yerin wake up from her sleep and take a quick look on her left, but she found no presence of SinB beside her. She started to feel worried incase that all that happened yesterday was only a dream.

"S-SinB...?", Yerin look around her bedroom to find no presence of her at all. They supposed to stay for the night together at Yerin house but now where is SinB?

Yerin get up from her bed quickly and headed towards the living room in hurry. She called for SinB few times with her shaky voice.






"Hwang Eun---"

"Eoh eonni! You awake~", the voice from the kitchen bringing Yerin attention and there Yerin saw SinB who currently smiling at her warmly.

"I'm preparing some breakfast for us. Wae?", SinB smiled.

Yerin trying to hold back her tears and ran towards SinB in relief. She backhug the younger woman tightly while putting her head on SinB's back.

"I thought... I thought you are gone...", Yerin said. SinB can feel Yerin was shivering behind her.

"But I was here tho. I didn't go anywhere~", SinB said.

"I'm a-afraid... t-that I might lost you again...", Yerin continued.

SinB slowly released the backhug and facing the woman behind her with her warm smile. She tuck Yerin's hair behind her ear and caressing her cheek softly.

"We won't be seperated anymore. I promise", SinB said looking straight to Yerin worried eyes. The she hug her and stroke her back warmly.

"Oh right. Did you want to meet Umji and Eunha later?" - SinB

"All of sudden?", Yerin asked.

"She said she was worried for both of us after what happened yesterday. That's why they want to meet up", SinB answered. Finally there's a little smile drawn on Yerin face.

"Alright then~", she continued to hug SinB happily.



















Chapter 8 : Be With You [END]




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