Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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"Well, here I am!" I say, stepping off the cramped bus I'd spent the past 12 days on. "I finally made it to the city of the stars. New york city!" I exclaimed to myself, clutching my suitcase close to my chest, and looking at the beautiful skyline. "I can't wait to finally become a broadway star, just like my dead mother would have wanted."

Suddenly, I am pushed to the ground, shattering my legs. "OUCH!" I exclaim. I look up at my attacker.

"Hey watch where you're going bitch! This is new york city! We walk fast here!" He shouts into my soft and malleable ears. He looks like kind of like billie joe armstrong from the band Green Day.

"Hey, you look kind of like Billie Joe Armstrong," I say, short of breath from falling.

"I dunno who the hell that is," he says kicking me in the stomach. "My name is saint jimmy, and I am not a singer from some stupid BAND!" He says, reaching out a hand to help me up."

"Th-Thanks, saint jimmy, I say, grabbing his hand as he helps me up. Suddenly, his smell hits my nostrils, and I blush. "C-Crap..." I think in my head. "I didn't take my heat suppressants this month. I-Is this guy an alpha?" I start to feel myself producing slick in my short jean shorts. "G-Good thing I'm wearing my Attends, or this stuff would be running down my leg," I think.

Suddenly, saint jimmy's eyes go wide. "W-Woah, are you a freaking omega?" He screams, dropping me back onto the ground. "OUCH!" I yell, landing on a broken bottle.

"Y-Yeah... I am." I speak, with sadness in my throat. "But that doesn't give you a right to be mean to me! Haven't you read about Omega Stonewall in history class?" (A/N: Omega Stonewall is like our stonewall but instead of being for the LGBTQIA+ community, it was for omega rights. I support lgbtqia peoples though.)

"Um, no." Says sint Jimmy. "I dropped out of school to do drugs." he said calmly. "But that doesn't matter anyway, I already have an omega girlfriend that I'm hoping to mark one day. Her name is whatsername."

"Um... it sounds like you dont even know her that well if you don't know what her name is." I say thoughtfully from the ground.

"Um why don't you mind your own fucking business dumb bitch." St. Jimmy says, running away from me at top speeds. "See you NEVER, omega virgin!" he screams as he escapes.

"Wow..." I say, standing up and brushing the soot off my jean shorts. "That's new york for you!" I take my suitcase and walk down the street, hoping to forget about that strange Alpha man I had met.

Dearly Beloved // Alpha St. Jimmy X Omega ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now