Chapter 3 - Play Rehearsal

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I'm sitting in my makeshift nest, a bit shaken, when I get a call on my IPhone 5c. "Hello?" I say glumly.

"Hi, this is Heather, from the audition you went on the other day where that girl died." she says.

"Oh, Hi Heather." I respond sweetly. "How are you holding up?

"I've been better." She replies. "On stage deaths are almost as bad as on stage improv. Anyway, I wanted to call you to let you know that you got the part!"

"What?!" I shout. "I got the part?!?"

"Don't shout, it hurts my ears." says heather. "But yes! You got the part of Whatsername."

"Th-The part of Whatsername?" I say confused. "B-But she isn't a character, she's a girl who I made- i mean SOMEONE made die."

"Well, that's the thing. Her Alpha boyfriend threatened to sue us. So we made a compromise, where we're honoring her memory by making her a character in our musical. He said that he wanted you to play her part. After all, you auditioned right before her, so you must have cared a lot about her."

"W-Wait... He wanted ME specifically to play Whatsername? His dead girlfriend?"

"I can't talk any slower, Y/N, time is money!" She responds curtly. "But yes, that's exactly it. Our first rehearsal is in 20 minutes." Heather says, hanging up.

I gulp. Oh no, I think, I better get to the theatre, and quick!

As I enter the theatre 19 and a half minutes later, I feel hope in my heart. I can't believe that I've been cast in a real broadway musical! It's just a shame that someone had to die for it.

"So you finally made it..." I hear someone say. I turn around to find myself face to face with saint jimmy.

"S-Saint Jimmy!" I say, flabasshed. "What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you here?" He says. "It's so I wouldn't sue. They also made a character based on me in the musical and I'm playing him."

"Wait..." I say confused. "You're playing yourself and i'm playing your dead girlfriend in this muscial? And didn't you say that musical theatre was a little too gay ass for you?"

"Yeah, well this part is cool, because it's based on me and I get to do real drugs on stage. Plus...." his voice gets softer. "There's a part where we kiss on stage in act 2."

I blush.

"I-I've never kissed anyone before!" I say, feeling myself start to produce slick. God, this guy smells good, like a lit cigarette next to a gas pump.

"Well, I guess we've got lots of time to practice, shit goblin." He says, smiley.

Suddenly Heather barges in. "You'll have time to practice LATER!" She yells at us. "We've got to start rehearsing now, people! We're doing a full run through. The show opens next week!"

Although broadway rehearsal is kind of hard, the show that we're doing is really fun. It's about three friends named Will, Tummy, and Johnny, who go on punk rock adventures together. Because of the girl that died, now there's a subplot with me playing Whatsername and Saint Jimmy playing Saint Jimmy, the evil twin of Johnny. He even gets to smoke crack on stage, just like he said! It's a pretty cool part. Act 1 ends with Saint Jimmy running away with me, Whatsername, to elope.

Once act 1 ends, Heather gives us a break, and I go into the green room to take a break. The green room has green walls and a green tiled floor. It's decorated with all sorts of fancy acting awards and statues. One award is even a small golden statue holding a big pointy star; a tony award! That looks pointy, I think. But mostly, i'm thinking about how nervous I am to rehearse act 2... That's when Saint Jimmy and I have a big kissing scene. I don't know if I'm ready to have that! Suddenly, someone knocks on the door, and Saint Jimmy enters.

"Hey, Robo-slut. You ready for our big kissing scene in act 2?" He asks, growling in my ear.

"I-I-I'm not sure... S-S-Saint J-J-Jimmy," I say, beginning to produce slick again all over the linoleum floor.

"Grrrrrr.... Maybe we should practice, then." Saint Jimmy says, leaning in to kiss me on the lips. I close my eyes.

But before our lips can meet, Heather barges into the room. "Okay fellas, break time is over- WOAH!" She slips on my slick and falls directly onto one of the drama awards decorating the room, specifically the one holding the pointy star.

I see only red, until I wipe the gore out of my eyes. Heather has impaled herself on the drama award... Right through the neck... Oh my god, I think.

"Oh my god!" Yells Saint Jimmy. "D-Doctor! Can any doctors hear me?!?!"

"I'm a doctor!" Says a woman entering the room. She's the same doctor woman that was there for the auditions to pronounce Whatsername dead. She had been cast in the ensemble. Good for her, I think. "Oh my god... This isn't extraordinary, girl." She says. "Heather's... dead."

I gasp, and begin to sob. Saint Jimmy holds me tightly. He's warm.

30 minutes later, we were gathered in the audience of the theatre, where the producer of the show had gathered us. "So I've got good news and I've got bad news." He said. "The bad news is that Heather is dead, and now we need to find a new director for this show, and fast, before we open next week! Also, heather's family threatened to press charges, so we made her a character in the show in her honor too, so we need to make some rewrites to fit her into the show."

"Whats the good news?" I ask inquisitively.

"The good news is that while we find a new director and stuff, you guys will get the rest of the week off!" He says.

The entire cast cheers. "Yaaay!" They all say. "Time off!"

"Crap..." I whisper. "I still don't have a place to stay in New York City... What am I going to do for all this time?" I ask.

"Hey, I heard that." Saint Jimmy said, snoopily. "You can stay at my place if you want." He said. "I've got extra space now because my girlfriend died."

"Oh that would be epic!" I say happily.

"And this will give us plenty of time to rehearse for our chemistry together on stage..." He says.

I gulp, producing slick. "Y-Yeah... That's epic, too.

(A/N - Hey guys! This is my first story and i worked REALLY hard on it, so please leave likes and comments below so I can know if you like it. I'm working really hard to write more but it's hard because finals are this week and I'm a med student so they're suuuper hard -_- Anyway, inspire me to write more and I promise I will! Thaaanks!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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