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Zhongli woke up to another day of sheer misery, he never thought that he'd see the light in life. Until a specific someone came around. Here's the story how Zhongli and Childe met.

Tartaglia was paired on a mission with a person he had never met, that person being Zhongli. He assumed it'd be a good time to get to know him, afterall, they've barely spoken in the past. I mean, one time Childe saw Zhongli in Liyue from afar but thats pretty much it. Zhongli didn't think much of Childe, he always saw Childe as an equal person to him, nothing lower, nothing higher, just plain old Childe. Zhongli thought it'd be a pain fighting with Childe considering the two barely knew that each other existed until that very day.

A few hours later, they got put together on the same boss. Just him and Childe, they were some of the highest rankings in all of Liyue, so it'd be safe to automatically assume that they'd be paired together, I mean, it was gonna happen sometime, right? Not the point, Zhongli made his first move and then Childe followed along. They repeated the process until they were almost halfway there. The enemy was on the ground, this specific enemy had a bounty on them, so Zhongli suddenly got an idea, what if he were to tie the monster up than bring it back to Liyue just to get it over with.

And he did just that, Childe helped him carry the enemy and Zhongli quickly made it to the headquarters, unlocking the door to his office and immediately throwing the body down, waiting for a higher up to come collect it. Zhongli let his guard down around Childe, considering they've fought together, Zhongli felt as if it'd be okay if Zhongli could take a break once in awhile, or so he thought.

On the verge of sleeping Zhongli noticed something out of the corner of his eye move, what could it possibly be?

It was the "unconsious" enemy.

Zhongli immediately regretted his decision in bringing it back. He stabbed his spear through the creature's heart, killing it slowly. As Zhongli was on top of the monster, obviously hurting it, Childe walked back into the building with the intention to ask Zhongli a question. He was not expecting to see something so unsightly this early in the morning, to be fair. It was quite a surprise even if he said so himself.

Childe, unfazed, looked down at Zhongli. "So, what kinda situation did you get yourself into? I find it funny how you *always* manage to do things like these. Zhongli got off of the creature and stood up, "Haha, my apologies, you shouldn't have to see me like this, why did you come back in here again?" Zhongli asked with curiosity, it was pretty awkward between the two of them, so it wouldn't hurt to just kindly ask why Childe was suddenly standing infront of him instead of being outside with his friends or something. Childe sat down in the hallway, " Because I like yoooouuu~" he said in a sarcastic tone. "I'm kidding." his face changed from laughter to dead seriousness. It was scary how it goes from happiest man in the world, to intimidating as hell, some part of that confused Zhongli to another level.

Childe came inside his office and they made small talk for a few hours about a lot of different topics, Childe was about to go home until he realized something.

"Zhongliiiii,,, you wouldn't be mad if I said I can't leave in the rain right? There's a horrible thunderstorm and I really do not want to get struck by lightning today." Childe said as he opened the door to the outs. Zhongli sighed. "Well, I was just about to leave anyways, I suppose you staying for a night wouldn't be harmful. My house is nearby, would you like to reside there?"

Childe smiled, "Yes of course! I live in a horrible area when it comes to thunderstorms anyways, thank you!" Childe thanked Zhongli for letting him stay. "I have an umbrella in my office, let me get it." Zhongli left to go get it, Childe was left alone for a few seconds, and in those few seconds, he was thinking about how this would turn out, he didn't know what to expect from a person like Zhongli afterall, he just brushed it off when he saw him coming back. "Didja get it?" Childe turned his head to the side as he asked the other man. "Oh no I didn't, I just went into my office for no reason." Zhongli pulled out the umbrella. "Yes, yes I did."

Childe laughed it off and just changed the topic. "I do not know the way, would you mind showing me? I'll follow you the entire way I promise." Childe jokingly put his hands up. "I don't see an issue with that. Come along." Zhongli opened the door and handed Childe the umbrella. Zhongli led the two of them out and into his house after a few minutes, it was a short walk and it didn't take very long from him to get to place to place in Liyue, It was his desired home he had lived in for so long, he might as well enjoy the time he has spent here, right?

They made it to the house, Zhongli opened the door and motioned for Childe to go inside, it was dark and raining outside, so of course Childe immediately goes inside, like any normal human being would. They talk throughout the night, the two men bonded over the littlest things, it was almost like they had known each other for years and years, when they've really only had a full on conversation that very day, it was weird for the both of them, it was almost like they had been soulmates or something, they got along so well, they talked so often, it was fun.


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