3| God is a Woman

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"When you try to come for me, I keep on flourishing, and he see the universe when I'm in company, it's all in me."

- Ariana Grande

Laila is 22 years old in the present


"Please don't kill me I have kids and a wife to feed every day"

I shook my head, I love hearing their pleas for begging mercy for their lives when they are defenseless. I look innocent when looking for my prey, but they never knew that they were encountering a deal with the reina de los muertos. I am a hired assassin at night, and at day I am a doctor of physical therapy at one of the prestigious hospitals in New York. After graduating valedictorian of our batch in Physical Therapy I was immediately offered jobs but also met with my boyfriend pounding on someone in his bed, I guess he can't wait for me to give my virginity to him. At first, I thought it was my fault but, guess what, I was distracted by my mother undergoing cancer.

I accepted the job here in New York because I wanted a new scenery for once. The girl whose nose is always stuck in a book as an assassin? My college self would find this amusing, no matter how I crave danger I never tested the waters. The person who encouraged me was no other than Maria Isabel, my best friend. I learned that her family is involved in the mafia, knowing that I needed a large sum of money but I didn't want to be a stripper because it would taint my reputation. She gave me a job as a hired assassin. It fits my schedule, helps with my mama's expenses in her recovery from cancer, and doesn't taint my reputation because of the mask I always wear.

Ever since I started this job I was immediately known as reina de los muertos or the midnight queen. This is because of how I hunt my prey and how I kill them in the most brutal way possible. I never knew how exhilarating danger was if I just stayed inside my shell. Now I tasted blood, I never wanted to stop.

My soul is tainted and it is irrevocable.

Every mission I give to my mama's treatment and for my brother's expenses at school. This is usually how my life is every day. I treat people with care at day then at night, the underworld hires me to assassinate. Ah, the hypocrisy.

You might be wondering if I knew who gave me orders to kill, actually it always stays anonymous because if I get caught they will not be revealed, oh well it is just business.

"You have a family ?"

"Sí, Por favor dame la oportunidad de vivir para ellas" (Yes, please give me a chance to live for them)

" Ah, you speak my language, such a shame. You bring shame to your el idioma materno"

"Puta, let me go. You will not survive at the brothel if I catch you after this"

"Tsk tsk, Don't threaten the killer idiota. You didn't give mercy to little girls you raped and sold to brothels or sent to other countries? estoy en lo cierto"

"No last words for the reina de los muertos"

He kissed my shoe for one last mercy but I had no ounce of it for people like him.

I grabbed his face to look at me so that my face will be the last image he will see. I reached out for his right eye to get it out of its socket, then I also did it to the other eye, that is his price for looking at innocent girls to rape and sell.

He screamed like a little girl. Cue in my eye roll.

I grabbed my Jagdkommando knife from my thigh and stabbed his crotch area. Then finished the job by slitting his throat because I have limited time. I exited the motel I took him to, approached Isabel apparently waiting for me by her motorcycle. Then I removed my dark red laced mask from my eyes and mouth.

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