17| Provocation

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/ˌprävəˈkāSH(ə)n/ action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately.


When we entered all the chatter died down and everyone stood. They didn't notice my presence because I was behind Alessandro and all his men bowed down to him. When Alessandro was seated everyone did the same except me. They turned all their attention to me. I walked with my head held high, I proceeded to the opposite side of the seat to Alessandro, apparently, he already had reserved the seat for me. Men gawked at me and some women in the room were awed but some I saw envy at every step I took. When I took a seat, Alessandro gave me a questioning look; to which I responded with a slight nod. He cleared his throat and everyone focused their attention back on their Capo. He stood up and adjusted his fitted suit, he looked like a Greek god and I was on my knees praising his hotness. I zoned out while staring at him, I got out of my trance when he said: "I would be presenting to you our newly hired assassin. Welcome Reina de los muertos to the Famiglia" He sat back down and smirked at me as if knowing I was in a trance thinking about him. But I didn't let it lower my composure in front of his men. I gave his men a firm nod. I saw some cower in fear, some gave me an appreciative nod, some were gaping but, someone voiced out his opinion on me being the newly hired assassin. I guess my reputation precedes me.

"You preferred a woman to lead the mission of this famiglia?" I smirked at his complaint. Some of his men gaped at speaking that way to him and the way he addressed me. Alessandro eyed me asking if he should answer him or I would. I nodded giving him the signal I would. I faced him and said "If you wanted to test my capabilities you should've simply asked, not whine about it. I will challenge you for a match today." I heard some gasping and the murmuring began, the person glared at me. "Don't tell me you are afraid to lose to a woman, dear. Doesn't mean I am a woman, I am already incapable of the things men do." I winked at him and he said "Challenge accepted" Alessandro stood and motioned me to follow him. While exiting the room men gave way for me to pass.

Alessandro lowered his head and whispered while placing a hand on my lower back "Never would have thought you would pull such a stunt."

"Well, you don't know me enough if you haven't expected the worst or the best outcome. I am a wild card Mr. D'Angelo" I winked at him and he smirked at me while shaking his head in amusement. He led me to the gym and someone handed him a bag. He handed me the bag and said to change. But before going away I whispered to him "I needed to hide my face" He nodded and gave me a headgear. I changed to a dark red sports bra and black leggings. Of course, he knew my size! And not bad he knew my color. I wore the headgear and proceeded to the ring where my opponent was waiting for me, they handed me a kumpur boxing wrap. Alessandro nodded at me. I smirked because I faced worse people than him.

The bell rang, he gave the first punch but I ducked and headed to punch his abdomen which made him fly back. He gained his balance and punched me right in the abdomen which made me cough and spit. I regained my strength and I studied his moves. I saw that with every punch he gives in his right punch he always steps before taking a punch. I took that information to my advantage, I kept on taking his small punches to my stomach. I saw he stepped on his left meaning he would use his right hook. I took a forward step and jabbed on his throat which made him choke. I gave him a round kick sweep which swept him off of his balance and he landed on his back, I made him roll onto his front, I straddled his back and grabbed one of his arms upward while the other I am kneeling on it on his back. He screamed "fermare!" "fermare!" "fermare!"


I stopped and pushed off of him. The referee raised my right hand, I smiled at the men gaping. I found Alessandro's gaze, he gave me a proud smile, I nodded back. I found my opponent still lying on his front. I rushed and helped him up. He smiled "I am sorry if I doubted you, I am their assassin my ego can't accept being replaced by a woman. You have my respect now. My name is Kiernan" I nodded to him and smiled "You are not replaced, I won't be staying in here for long."

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