Karai x April

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Karai was in a thick strapped tank top and baggy sweat pants, training in the dojo. It was pretty late at night, about midnight. Her new found brothers and father were in bed by now, but she couldn't sleep. Her mind was filled with different thoughts, so instead she practiced her many moves. At this point she had been training for two hours and was dripping sweat. She had her bangs pinned back away from her face, she stopped briefly as one of the sliding doors to the dojo opened and someone stepped inside. Glancing at the figure then going back to her training. She was panting now, but she didn't plan to stop any time soon, that was until said figure was standing in front of her.

She let's out a sigh and drops her hands to her side

"Can I help you, princess?" She says in a slightly annoyed tone as she walked over to her cold water bottle and plopped on the ground, sitting cross legged. She watched as the red headed girl came and sat beside her, looking at the tired teen with worry

"You should sleep, staying up this late training isn't good for you.." April says with a hint of worry in her voice, causing Karai to roll her eyes

"I would sleep if I could." She replies bitterly as she takes a large gulp of water, resting her arm on her knee. She used her hand holding the water bottle and wipes the sweat off her forehead. This caused a sigh to come from the other girl

"How do you know if you don't try?", this caused Karai to roll her eyes once more, taking a sip of water, then set the water bottle on the ground and putting her hand slightly behind her, leaning on it. April sits in a similar way, but her legs crossed instead

"Anyways, I wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie or something..since you're obviously not going to be sleeping any time soon" she gave the older girl a friendly smile, hoping they could become friends. After all, they both were kunoichi. Karai shrugs a little

"Sure, I dont see why not" she says and rolls her shoulders slightly, then moving her neck slightly to get out any pops that were waiting to happen. She takes another sip of water

"Meet you in my room in ten" she says before standing,finishing off her water bottle before walking out of the room. She headed to her room and gathered some clean clothes, then went to the bathroom and quickly showered, spending a few extra minutes in the hot water, trying to relax her tense and sore muscles. She was going to feel like hell in the morning, but atleast she cleared her mind some. She knew meditating was what her father and first brother would prefer, but it didn't have the same effect for her as it did for them. That's where her and Raph had some similarities.

She blinked a few times and cleared her thoughts, running a hand through her wet hair before turning off the water. She dried off and got dressed, roughly drying her hair with a towel. She had actually let her hair grow out some the past month she had been living with her true family. It drove her nuts sometimes, but she wanted a new look for her new life.

Once again she cleared her thoughts away and tossed the towel into the dirty laundry pile, then walked out of the bathroom and to her bedroom. After she had stayed for a week they cleared out a back room for her and made it nice; but she didn't ask them too, they had done it while she was out of the lair during the day, she had almost cried when she found out. She entered her bed room and flopped down on her bed. It wasn't the most comfortable bed, but it was pretty cheap and was enough for her to sleep on, so she didn't mind. Her eyes scanned the room, looking over the items on her shelves and walls. The walls had some pictures of her and her brothers, Mikey was very insistent on them taking pictures with her so they could save memories with her, and so she was really like family. Her favorite was on her nightstand in a metal frame Donnie had made. The picture was of Raph and Leo asleep in the living room with writing all over their faces, Donnie was smiling and standing next to her. She had a grin on her face and was doing a peace sign, a marker in her hand. Mikey was next to Raph, still drawing on his face. It was Splinter who had taken the picture, even though he knew two of his children would be very upset with this, he knew eventually they would all be glad it happened.

She felt a smile tug at her lips as she remembered that day, then turned her attention to her variously sized katanas and blades on the far wall, along with various other weapons she had collected over the years, along with new ones she was given by her father. On a shelf on another wall was items her brothers had made, or pictures of things they'd taken for her. That was her favorite thing in her room.

Her thoughts were interrupted as there was a quiet knock at her door

"It's open" she says in an equally quiet voice, feeling no need to be loud, especially at this time at night. She turned her head to the door and watched as April came inside, a slightly nervous smile on her face. Karai sat up and motioned for her to enter the room. She moved over to her pillows and sat, pulling her soft black comforter over her lap, her body now feeling cold from her shower. She watched as the obviously nervous girl closed the door and went over to the little tv in the room, putting the movie into the DVD player. Karai felt another smile trying to fight it's way onto her face when she remembered how hard her brothers worked to get those two items for her.

She tilted her head a little and watched as April turned on the tv and started the movie, then became amused when she sat on the edge of the bed. She felt a smirk appear on her face

"You can come closer, I dont bite..much" she says with an amused expression, causing April to grin a little nervously and nod, moving slightly more onto the bed. Karai rolled her eyes slightly and wrapped an arm around her waist,pulling her close. This caused the other girl to become noticably flustered, making Karai to hold back a laugh. She pulls the comforter over April's lap, then let's go of her and lays back, putting her arms behind her head as the movie began. It took nearly half an hour into the movie before April laid down, and took another half an hour before she fully relaxed and had joked with her a couple of times.

Karai was watching the end of the movie, wanting to know how it ended, but she froze a little and looked down when she felt something warm touch her; it was then she realized it was April, who was cuddling her side. She could feel some blood rush to her face, and she didn't bother to fight it or the smile on her face. She slowly wrapped an arm around the now sleeping girl, feeling warm, and a sense of joy. She stayed up nearly another hour, watching the movie, and then when it ended she watched some regular tv. She finally felt the familiar burn of exhaustion in her eyes and turned the tv off, rolling onto her side. She expected to April to wake up or move away, but instead she moved closer. She felt that same smile spread across her face as she wrapped both arms around her and pulled the blankets up to their shoulders. She rested her chin on April's head and smiled, her pounding heart had calmed, but the warmth in her face stayed. She lightly kissed the top of April's head and mumbled

"Goodnight, princess"

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