Chapter 1 - Forever cold

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My choice? 26 on my age with 5 Years as a Combat-medic in U.S Army and a newly trained graduate of Elite Police for the same state where a person who vowed to change the world served within the ranks of superiority. He sure was some kind of new spark for real! More or less pretty inspiring because a person who totally makes his own path defeating all of problems in his way for a better future of ones who follow his legacy! More or less he had gained his fame likely 3 years ago when I was still in U.S Army's Multi-terrain Warfare Squad as a Combat-medic and this person had just started to gain his fame after saving a General from Armed Service Units and all of the story ahead which took place and the truths his reports tell.......I did thought my decision to quit U.S army and serve as a Elite Police operator instead for pretty many reasons with one of them was serving with 'Frequency' as I kind of wanted to be a part of his Special Trooper's Squad! Well.......didn't expect that a part of my reason would come true!

I am Jason Pershing. Not much to describe as my past wasn't as normal for others. Diagnosed with Blood Cancer at age of 7 and finally overcoming it at my age of 12 to attempt to live a normal life as that cancer wasn't the only medical complication I had which I just want to forget! A phase of painful cancer treatments and clinical depression along with a huge hindrance in my social voice. It wasn't developed just like others as it was pretty rough in my own tone making me seem like the "bad guy" and all.......just goddamn want to forget every single thing as my rough voice even today gets me ignorance in my social life.

One thing I always respected were my parents who did work out hard for my costly treatment. I had my younger sister who was truly dear to me was born without vision. Even though the technology to regain a eye sight exists.....i didn't want to take a risk for her because the success percentages were not very satisfying and she herself was scared for any kind of operation ahead because since her first days of life I was her little brother always holding her hands and walking......and she didn't want to lose this moments to cherish.

She was 7 years younger to me as she was 19 now. And I had the responsibility to take her care now after our mom and dad died due to natural causes. It was tough to leave her alone at home in trust of few of my friends who did take her care when I was out in training and tour of action. But there were so many reasons now that I was sick and tired of my life as a combat medic. More or less I was tired of my life where I was ignored and misunderstood every single of moment just due to my rough tone of voice which I always regret. I wanted to start my life all again and also give a better life to my sister.....and so we resides to another state where the Elite Police was a Squad of Legends of the world! My military pensions were well enough for me to give my sister a life above averages because finances were never a problem......emotions and loneliness were!

This way I was able to spend more time with my sister making her feel less lonely as she always wanted me to be on her side as her brother. But I also wanted to use my combat skills and for real I wanted to attempt to meet the legends of the special team especially General "Frequency", the multi-role genius hero of the whole war till now he fought against a corrupted system! He sure was an inspiration!

And luckily......few parts of my dreams did come true with more coming ahead!

Just after my graduation from training from Elite Police......I was placed in the same Department where General 'Frequency' still was a Head of Department along with Lieutenant General Kate Bassett who's his fiancée as I hear! Sure they two do make a cute couple. Well I couldn't be more excited for this participation in the team!

First day......welcomed in the team and I actually met them all! The legends whose names will be forever echoed in all of history! All of them were truly heroes! My first day itself was going to be great as it seemed so!

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