Chapter 7 - Heart beats

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Here....General Frequency had like....were scoring sharp hits in every single word, and......he's for real a legend known! Just the same time as I was still standing there hearing the talks along with First Lieutenant Sam, the clouds came up and it seemed like a sign of rain? And it actually rained And just in a moment later, i felt like someone dropped a bucket of water on me from behind!

The next moment I found myself waking up falling down from my bed after suddenly getting scared by the "water attack" on me......Ah, was it all a dream? And if it was, since how long was I dreaming?

Miss Xiao – How long are you going to sleep Jason. Wake up! Ellie's shouting to wake you up. There's also some guest waiting outside in the hall for you. Get up already now!

Me – Oh.....Ah. Morning, Grandma Xiao. Oh, my aches.

Miss Xiao – What you always been so weak huh! And you call yourself a tough military man? And what you serve in the Jelly Police.

Me – Elite Police, Grandma.....

Miss Xiao – Wake up right now! Or I will become like your real grandma and get a stick to wake you up now.

Me – I guess it's the first time I have seen you so angry? Had a bad day in the morning?

Miss Xiao – You waking up now or I bring another glass of water!

Me – Alright....Waking up, waking up.

Miss Xiao – I had told you last time that its 1st day of Chinese Lunar Year tomorrow. So I had told you that I will bring you the feast for you two. And I see you are still sleeping!

Me – Chinese Lunar Year? What's the date today?

Miss Xiao – You were drunk yesterday or something? Hangover? Wake up. You have some marriage to attend today right? Ellie's ready and looking beautiful today. Out in the hall there's some guest waiting for you. She's a girl.......And who's she?

Me – Now if god had gave me a power to see through walls, yet I would have needed to go down the stairs to the hall and then see who it is.

She grabs the nearby honor trophy I had kept on my work desk in my bedroom. I had achieved during my service in U.S Army. And she was ready to throw that thing right on me. To which I just woke up and ran outside the room. Just for a glance saw the time......I am surprised she woke me perfectly on time......30 Minutes late.

Miss Xiao, who me and Ellie call "Grandma" with love. She's a 62 years old retired corporate employee of Asian origins who has a part time work of getting Ellie's personal chores done. She's not exactly a maid as we both consider her like a grandmother and she equally is close as a family. She comes early in shift before I leave the house for my work and leaves in 2 hours after getting Ellie prepared. Actually she's from a good family with her son currently working in as a Medical representative for the city's hospital, but she still helps me because she understands my situation and helps Ellie out. She's always equally kind and I respect her more like a family member, because I couldn't thank her anything more than preparing a regular cab for her transportation with a regular pay.

When Ellie was with our aunt, I had my aunt and few of my friends look after her. When our aunt fell sick and succumbed to death, I had to get myself discharged from the army, as also I was myself done of the wars and blood sheds. Leaving the state, we shifted to this state in this start a new life, and a new path of my life. Miss Xiao was the first one to heed to my help then. So.....lots of respect I got for her.

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