Chapter 18 - I'll sing your dream!

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The mission's briefing.....right in the heart of China....Beijing city, there's a massive building which stores black money...totally belonging to the Liu-Kae Chinese mafia. Heard......its more than 300 Trillion USD. THAT'S A LOT......WAY MORE!! This is the money with which it earns more money and used to run a mafia this big?

So what's the big plan? Enter.....set the whole stack on fire....escape. Doesn't matter if the whole building burns down too....just a 3-storey building.....which hides this much black money? It will be guarded like hell!! YET.....there's a surprise waiting for us there and that's what i hear? The city we will in for a itself is a impossible thing for any spy. There's surveillances AT EVERY a supercity in terms of security and other stuff...One single mistake, our cloak is done for....our cover blows up, and if we get caught. There's no way back home. So.....still, we'll try for this mission? Alright...GOT TO TRUST MY HIGH COMMAND!

It was little tough to explain to Reece with lies again....but....i made it through. 

Ready to go, i waited for the evening.....met up with Mr. Adnet and Mr. Nielson. We were going to act as tourists.....tourists with terrorist like ideas against the mafia. For real....this will be the most unforgettable mission in my life....just if i return back alive! But....i am having a opportunity to once again serve besides 2 absolute legends of history....of our legendary elite police department!! Pleasure in pain?

We departed from the a 12 hour long flight.....and i fell asleep in the flight, i didn't even realize! And in that sleep...i had a beautiful dream. The beautiful dream of meeting a beautiful woman name Reece! Everything was just coming back as memories as from the day i met her....till the day, i failed to save her, but she was still hanging on her life....and one day, she woke up! But, i felt like i was half dead....when she woke up and walked towards me like some angel....behind her was a bright light....WAIT....what's happening?

Reece - So, you waited for me?

Me - I did.....welcome back.

Reece - If i am welcomed back in your life....i am glad!

Me - Couldn't be more happy to have you back my life. The light behind....what's that.

Reece - You are my sun....i am your shadow.....I am your Lightè.....You are my Zero!!

Me - Lightè....will you.....will you  be a part of my life forever?

Reece - Um.....Lightè as Zero's wife.....Zero as Lightè's husband? Lightè liked this idea! 

Mom - Jason, it has been a long time now?

Me -!

Dad - Sure, even i am here....

Reece - Lightè brought them here for Zero! Zero's mom and Zero's dad!

Mom - If this is the girl you are going to marry, i am very happy for you, Jason. Make sure she will have the happiest days of her life from now. 

Dad - We both couldn't do much in your life for a long time. Truth remains that we sold our lives to drag you from the gates of death....and we have no regrets. Seeing you grown up and turn into a good man, we have no regrets that we traded our lives for you and Ellie. 

Mom - If you think we were just Government officers.....that's a secret we will reveal tonight. 

Dad - We both were spies.....espionage experts....working in different nations, away from you two. If you ask how we sold off our lives? We sold them off to the government in exchange of your lives.....and got commissioned in China for as intelligence cells.....a high-cover spy mission.

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