06| There's No Place Like Homecoming

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The girls were heading over to Aria's house

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The girls were heading over to Aria's house. She hadn't gotten out of bed, her parents were fighting and she was drowning them out with her earphones.

Spencer took her earphones out. "Hey." She greeted.

"What are you doing?"

"An intervention." Ivy spoke up and sat down on her bed.

"We brought take out and rag mags."

"But you cannot have any of those until you get out of these sweats."

"Why? What's wrong with these?"

"Nothing...except they're starting to graft to your skin."

"Well, they're comfy." She told them.

"So are Mom jeans and platform flip-flops."

Emily cut in. "Plus, how are we going to help you choose a homecoming dress if you don't try some on for us?" And Ivy nodded in agreement.

"Well, that's easy. I'm not going." Aria shook her head.

"What do you mean you're not going?" Hanna wondered.

"You can't just not go."

"What are you doing instead?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll just read these and then inhale a gallon of Chunky Monkey." She said picking up the magazines.

"If I'm going, you're going." Ivy said pulling Aria into a side hug.

"Hey, look, cutting yourself off from the rest of your life is not going to help your parents. And besides they still might work it out."

"They're barely speaking to each other."

"People get angry. They blow up. Doesn't mean it's over." Emily assured.

"Emily, they didn't blow up over her Dad missing their anniversary. He slept with on of his students." When she saw the look on Aria's face she apologised.

"I'm just saying things can look over on Friday, and by Monday, all is forgiven. Somethings just take time.."

"Yeah, maybe."

"At least they haven't left you. Well, I mean everyone leaves in my life. First my Dad, then my Mom, then Alison, then you guys, then Tom." Ivy said sarcastically but they just gave her concerning looks.

"Okay, so you're coming!" She shouted changing the subject.

They all sat down about to begin eating. Hanna asked if Spencer could rig the election. "Sorry, I have enough to do already, thanks. I'm head of the committee, half of which is out sick with the flu, so I'll be restocking the ice and refilling the hummus bowl, and trying to look cute for my first official date." She explained.

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