Chapter 11 - Surprise

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Vansh: You little thing...  Now go wear the clothes of my choice
Ridhhu: No...  I will wear mine..
Vansh: (Smirking)  Dare to wear... You would face the consequences
Riddhu: Let's see... (and pushes him)
They both reach the living room...
Riddhu goes and picks the gift given by Sejal and opens it..
It has a Mangalsutr,  a couple ring and and a couple bracelet along with a letter
" To My love Riddhu...  This is a small gift from your friend...  I regret that you didn't think I am worth to know about your man... Stay happy... Will love you always and will miss you... 
- Baby"
Riddhu starts crying
Vansh: Stop crying
Riddhu: Just leave me alone.... You have done enough damage... Get lost... 
Vansh: OK take your time and leaves
In the evening around 4 someone knocks the door and she opens the door
Girl: Mrs Raisinghania this is for you from Mr Raisinghania (gives a parcel with a note)
"Dinner at sharp 8...
- Yours VR"
Riddhu throws the note and the box.. Lays on the bed weeping
It's 8 and Riddhu is in a sound sleep
Suddenly she feels some weight on her waist.. She touches it and can feel a hand...
Riddhu: I told you to get lost...
She is turned on face him... Holding her cheeks with his thumb and forefinger
Vansh: Go get ready... I cannot wait for you... Now...
Riddhu: (gets scared looking at his eyes and the tone he spoke to her brought shivers)  I don't want to come with you... 
Vansh: You have to else face the consequences... Don't you want your friend to reach home safely
Riddhu: Don't you dare...
Vansh: Then listen to me...
She gets up and picks the box leaving to her room
She comes out wearing the dress....

 She gets up and picks the box leaving to her roomShe comes out wearing the dress

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He gets awestruck looking at her beauty.... He pecks on her lips and takes her out...
As they exit the hotel a lot of people are gathered with Mike and Camera... She gets shocked
Riddhu : What is all this??
Vansh: Surprise....
Riddhu: I hate Surprises
He takes her to the diaz.. Both stand in front of the Mike..
Reporter1: Mr Vansh Raisinghania could you brief about the press conference you called for...
Vansh: Good Evening.. As you all know I am much of a private person and seldom share it in public... But now the day has come for me to share the biggest news of my marriage to Riddhima... To clear the air on some people trying to spoil the reputation of our families... Ours is a marriage made out of love and it is not related to business so don't ever try to depict in such a way...
Reporter2: Sir but what was the hurry to marry here at Bali without family and friends.. 
Vansh: Riddhima beloved Marriages are made in heaven... So she was a bit selfish not to invite anyone to heaven..  Jokes apart..  We have been I a secret relationship since 5 years... I always wanted to start a family but she had taken time to build her career... So I had to wait for her nod..  And suddenly last night she asked me to marry her right there...  How could I deny my sweetheart... I just wanted her in my life and show to the world she was MINE and we got married... 
Reporter3: Sir what about the dating rumors of yours with many girls and which never had Riddhima in it...
Vansh: It's Mrs Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania...  As you said they were rumors... Which have never effected me...
Reporter3: Sir You both have an age gap of  15 years... 
Vansh: Yes... Is there any issue (His grip on her shoulder increases)
Reporter4: Mrs Raisinghania what is it that made you fall for Mr Raisinghania
Riddhu: (She hated all this.. She wanted to tell everything but keeping Sejal in mind) His Aura...
Reporter4: Why was it that you wanted to marry all of a sudden
Riddhu: Is there a problem...  Thank you...
Vansh: Thank you please enjoy ghetto dinner
He takes her and leaves in a car driving... .
Inside the car...
Riddhu: You idiot... Why didn't you inform me about the conference...
What was the purpose
Vansh: It was a surprise Sweetheart
The purpose was the whole world to know whom you belong to...
Riddhu: Non sense... Where are we going...
Vansh: Surprise 2... Darling wait for it...

Note: Sorry for the late update...  I am disturbed due to current situation on the country... 

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