Meeting him for the first time

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Chapter three

Meeting him for the first time

" 我很抱歉" I heard a voice say behind me while I was looking at my clothes and hands. I couldnt understand what he was saying. I was furious and upset of the situation I was in. People were looking at us and wondering what was going on.

I turned around to face the person responsible for this mess. I turned to yell at his face and probably punch him too.

He had blond hair, it was certainly not his hair color but it was shining under the beams of sunlight. His eyes were brown, he had dark circles underneath, probably from health problems. He was darker than a usual chinese person, he was more tanned.

He was just like any other boy, but he had this weird aura, it sent shivers down my spine when I first laid eyes on him.

" 你还好吗?" He said as his face grew worried. I froze and didnt know what to say.

"Are you alright my dear?" The old man said rushing to me with a wet towel in his hand.

"Yes, I am thank you" I replied taking the towel from him.

I used it to wipe off the paint from my hand and arms.

" 你还好吗?" The boy asked again

I didnt understand him and hoped the old man could translate, and so he did.

" 你要多加小心" the old man said

" 我很抱歉" said the blond one as he bowed to both me and the old man. " 我能做些什么来帮助?"

"He apologises and asks if there is something he can do to help." The old man translated.

"No, thank you he may leave me be and watch where he walks" I said while wiping the paint off my left hand, watching the color of the towel turn to a greyish green.

"I am very sorry" the boy spoke

I looked at him surprised with his language

"you know you should be more careful when you walk in a crowded place,some peoplemight get hurt" I said looking him in the eyes while anger poured from my eyes to his.

He looked disturbed and confused. He didn't say anything back.

"Sorry, I don't have time to study English"he said

What's wrong with this guy?

"I apologise for the mess sir." I said to the old man that was standing next to me, I bowed.

"Nonesens, art is art, and let me say you became a very nice piece of art" he joked and laughed in his old laugh way. He didnt seem upset and that was something I was relieved with.

I turned to the guy that bumped into me. He was troubled and wanted to sort everything up. He approached the old man and told him something. They talked a few seconds then the old man came closer to me and translated.

"The young man would like to pay for the damage he caused. He didnt do any damage on my side, your painting however is the only thing that was ruined. What would you have him do?"

I looked at the ruined for a brief second and then at the guy. I fixed my hair after scratching my head then placed my finger on my chin. I thought everything through in about five seconds and said

"Please tell him to forget about it, it was just an accident."

He went and talked to him explain. The boy looked at me and bowed repeating the word sorry.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I said to him able cleaning my sleeves from the paint that was still there. Sad, this was my favorite shirt, good thing I know a way to remove paint stains, however it will leave a spot. Who knows maybe I am turn it into one of my art pieces, randomly throw colors on it and make it look nice. I remember doing it once when I was

is took one of my old T- shirts and pinned it on the wall that I covered with news papers to keep clean , I mean why would I want to ruin my precious blue wallpaper back in NewYork? I took a paiwt brush and began dipping it in paint to spray the shirt with the color I wanted, I often changed the brush according to it's size to change the type of lines that were is sprayed on the shirt. It was ca very beautiful mix of colors, the way the lines stood above each other, and the moment where it was drying was the best, the way the colors fell downwards and created paths and crossed roads filled with colors, with feelings. But apparently I don't know anything about feelings since mine are lost and confused and mixed. I wasn't even able to paint something from my heart, and the result ended up being smudged on me.Oh! the irony and the laughter. Where are you Shila, when you are most needed in situations like these. I wouldn't be surprised if she had planned all of this and screamed surprise behind me. Actually, I was hoping for it.

"Tao"someone called, I looked around and sow a guy waving in my direction, the boy waved back then looked at me.

"so sorry, I have to go, I am so sorry"

He bowed and left to catch up with his friend.

"Would you like to wash up?" the old man said.

"No, thank you, I will be leaving now, thank you for your time sir. Can I take my painting with me?"

"It is yours to keep, it is you art."

I bowed and took my painting, not caring if I smudge it more, it was already ruined.

I made my way back to my appartement and placed the canvas next to the door. I threw the keys on the coffe table and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once the warm watter touched my skin, a smile was automatically drawn on my face. The relaxing sensation, the way my muscles trembled under the warmth of the water. I looked at the drain where the water was leaving the tub and watched the mixture of colors that was on my body. The water under me was a colorful rainbow, it was kind of funny. I didnt think of anything but what the old man was telling me about my art, about having my feeling poured on canvas. If I was to do that the canvas would probably get ripped and torn. I usually take hours under the shower and this one was one of them, feeling the water pressure on my head and shoulders then the temperature of it crawling on my body, watching the little drops that became colored from the paint, drop from my fingertips.

I gave the fingers on my left hand a closer look and began comparing them to the ones on my right hand. It was true, my left fingers seemed fatigued and tired from the paint brushes and pens and charcole. While I was looking deep into the curves of my fingerprints, soap went into my eyes.

I cleaned myself up and got dressed. I decided to stay home and watch T.V. but sadly as I turned it on, all the channels were in chinese... even sponge bob. Although I have to admit it was a bit funny.

I kept the T.V on to watch the animation. I looked next to me and found the book Shila gave me. I gave it a second look and took it.

I guess its time to start learning some chinese instead of hoping a translater would show up.

Exo: falling in love with TaoWhere stories live. Discover now