Half naked

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Chapter fifteen: Half naked

I froze in place, I didnt even watch him leave, I only sat there gazing at the space infront of me.

What happened? Did he just kiss me? Tao the guy who almost killed me and made so many times of my life miserable, just kissed me.

I dont know if I should feel happy or mad. I dont know what to do next. Im supposed to move right?

What should I do afterwards? call him and yell at him? or just pretend nothing happened and pass by him like hes not even there.

What if I really never see him again?

I looked at his cup and saw the print of his lips on it, I also noticed something white next to the cup.

I got up and sensed the adrenalin disappearing as i moved. It was a note, folded once.

I examined it before I took it with the tips of my fingers and opened it the same way, as if it was a dirty object that I had to work with bare handed.

I looked at the lines but couldn't read anything because I was still coming out of my shock. After a few minutes of just gazing blankly at letters, I came to my senses and began reading what was written. It was hand written with a black ink pen.

"I know your wondering what that was all about. But don't worry you can have your revenge on me later. For now I need you to be in front of your house tomorrow morning at 10 AM. My driver will be waiting for you in a white car to take you to try on a dress for a small party.

You will be my partner and will accompany me there, pick something elegant and nice, there will be people of high standards there. 

Your payment will be negotiated after you get the dress. 

Oh and by the way you have a maximum budget to spend, the driver will give you full details.

Until then."

What does this guy have in mind? What party? What people? what is going on?!

It was all too much for me that day, so I just left the note on the table and laid down on the couch to take a nap, get some time out from this world and it's problems. 

Why the hell does he want someone like me to accompany him to the event? What is he planning?

The next morning, I was on my way to the store for some groceries, been a long time since I had veggies for lunch. I left the house at 9:30 AM and went to buy the things on the list. As I returned home, I saw a white car parked in front of my building. I remembered Tao's note yesterday and sighed. I pretended to not give the driver any attention hoping he doesn't notice me, so I hurried to the entrance. However, my sneak attempt was a fail. 

The driver left his car seat and called for me.

"Miss Ting!" He waved

I looked at him with a disappointment face, disappointed from my stealth level, and just stood there waiting for him to make his way towards me. He was wearing a blue driver uniform with the hat and everything you see drivers in movies wear. He was short, tanned and sort of fat. His face was round and his eyes small like almost all asians.

"Miss Ting the car is ready for you." He said and with his hand pointed at the car while bowing. I looked at my watch and caught the time, it was 10:03 AM. If only I had returned earlier, I would have missed this guy and would be watching TV or having a nice hot shower. 

"Um..." I began "I don't think I'm gonna accept Tao's offer" 

The driver stood up from his bowing gesture and gave me a confused look. 

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