11. Patience

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Seven days. Seven days of trying to act normal while I waited patiently for a letter to arrive from Italy, a letter containing the utmost important: the answer to whether or not my best friend is alive. It helped that Alice or Rosalie-I was never sure which one-snuck into my house the first night to take a few important belongings of mine, like clothes and hygiene necessities.

While I stayed at the Cullens, I focused intensely on homework, going over it more than once just to keep myself busy. Sometime while I studied Spanish and Biology, Edward offered to help me with the two subjects. He claimed he was fluent in Spanish and was doing very well in Biology. Regardless, I still needed help in both areas and agreed.

My grades skyrocketed this week and my teachers ended up confronting me, asking if I'd been cheating. It was laughable, but I told them, no. I only acquired an exquisite tutor.

It was Wednesday, and I'd gotten a ride with Emmett and Rosalie in their jeep while Alice, Jasper and Edward drove in his Volvo. Ever since I'd started staying with them, this has been the car arrangement since none of us could fit in that small, silver car.

I climbed out easily, throwing my backpack on my shoulder. Rosalie and Emmett were in the middle of a conversation so, I made my way to my first period, across the lot.

However, the last thing I expected was for a hand to grab my arm, pulling me back. My first instinct was to turn around and question one of the Cullens. However when I saw Grace, I froze in my spot.

Her wild, red hair was pulled up into a bun on the top of her hair, her green eyes pleading. She wore a pair of light jeans and a large, pull-over hoodie underneath her jacket.

"Hollie, please listen to me," Grace begged, tightening her grip on my wrist.

Anger washed through me and I yanked myself out of her grasp. "Why should I? You've done nothing for me to make me think I can trust you again."

"I know," she said. "But, please, I'm begging you. I know you don't have to... after all that I've put you through, you have every right to walk away. But, please..."

Grace was right. There was no reason I should have stayed and listen to her begging, but I did anyway. Even if she was my aunt and made terrible choices, every person deserved a chance to apologize. I was in no position to take that right away from Grace.

So, I clamped my mouth shut and let her continue.

"I'm so, so sorry for not telling you about Lexi. It was wrong of me and I should have helped recover your memories instead of you going through it alone. I can't imagine what you must have gone through. I want you to come home, Hollie. Everyone's talking about how you're staying with the Cullens. People are badgering Dr. Cullen at work about it, and even me... saying how I need to take control of you and put you in your place. Hollie please..."

She was only asking me to come back home because of the rumors and the way it looked on her. Her reputation... I scoffed. Of course, my aunt would only want me back home so she would look good in everyone else's eyes. Grace never held an ounce of genuine love for me since I decided to run away with Lexi.

Sure, I have made some bad decisions and hurt Grace. I wasn't innocent, either. But her actions... she was too selfish, and I couldn't stand it.

Narrowing my eyes at her, I said, "No, Grace. I want to be emancipated. I'll talk to Carlisle in getting the forms."

This time, when I walked away, Grace didn't bother stopping me.

Hugging my jacket closer to me, I buried my face into the collar, hoping that none of the Cullens were watching me as I walked to my class. Or any of the other students. The last thing I wanted right now was attention from anyone.

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