10. Plan

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As I drove through the winding roads back to Forks, I couldn't help but feel guilty. The skies were now dark, diamonds sparkling in the sky. I completely blew off Jasper and his family to hang out with Jacob and his girlfriend, Arya—who, I might add, was amazing. Throughout the whole evening, I didn't think once of what happened or my troubles. Arya and Jake were so much fun, I didn't have to think of anything else.

I cringed, my fingers tightening around the steering wheel as I realized what was awaiting for me at home: a very upset, and maybe pissed off, vampire. Or, you know, five other upset vampires. (A/N: She doesn't know about Esme yet.)

As I drove closer and closer to the house, the knots in my stomach became tighter and tighter. Being around a pissy vampire wasn't exactly new to me; I pissed off Lexi way too many times to count. However, there was a difference this time. I didn't know how the vampires were going to react. Lexi, although she had anger problems, was never going to hurt me; I knew that.

Jasper... I wasn't too sure about.

By the time I pulled up in the driveway, I'd noticed a black Mercedes down the road a bit with a masculine figure leaning against it. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I grabbed the bag I brought with and exited the car, locking it behind me.

Ah, crap, I thought, biting my lip.

The curled, honey hair wasn't hard to miss in the light of the streetlamps. Nor the frown on his face as he stalked towards me. Although I'd considered running for the house, I didn't dare to. Not only would I dig myself a deeper grave with Jasper, but I was positive Grace was awake by now and she was just waiting to dig her claws into me.

When he reached me, I braced myself for the sharp tone Lexi frequently used on me when I'd angered her.

However, I was not prepared for how broken his voice sounded.

"Where were you? Everyone was worried, I felt sick to my stomach and Alice couldn't see anything. Your future was blocked, and I swear I was going to drive myself crazy," I heard him say.

My eyes flew open when I heard the distress in his voice, the worry. Guilt flooded me even more.

"Jasper, I'm so, so sorry. When you left, I wanted to drive so it would clear my thoughts... and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I ended up at this beach. There was a guy there, I talked to him and we kind of ended up going back to his house so I could meet his girlfriend, and... I know it's no excuse, but I lost track of time. I got so caught up in having fun... I forgot about meeting you and your siblings."

No matter how many times I apologized, I knew that it was wrong and a very impolite of me. No amount of words could express how guilty I felt towards my actions this afternoon. They were inexcusable, and I wished I could have taken them back.

"Hollie," Jasper began, but I cut him off.

"No, please, let me apologize." I paused for a moment to let him say something, if he wanted to, but he stayed silent. So, I continued. "Words cannot express how sorry I am. It was rude of me and I wished I never-"

"Stop, Hollie-"


Instinctively, I cringed at the sound of my full name being screamed. It was then that I was reminded of a couple things. Firstly, my aunt was home and awake. Secondly, I had stolen her car. Thirdly, my hatred towards her. And lastly, the shit she has been hiding from me while I was 'Naive Hollie'.

Jasper reached out for me, but I slid out of his reach just in time for Grace to come storming out of the house. He took three steps back, keeping his mouth sealed shut.

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